Collaborative ZuKo-WIAS Jour Fixe

On Tuesday, 12 December 2023, a collaborative WIAS/Zukunftskolleg event took place on the topic “Basic Science for Sustainable Development”.

In the Zukunftskolleg Joint Workshop with the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study in Japan, short impulse talks were held on the topic “Basic Science for Sustainable Development”.


1. “Cancer, spatiotemporal analyses of extracellular vesicle transfer in tumor microenvironment” - Nao Nishida (Assistant Professor / Life science, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study)
2. “Controlling M-S-H crystallization for building a green future” - Cristina Ruiz Agudo (Research Fellow / Chemistry, Zukunftskolleg)
3. “Autocratization: Causes and consequences” - Yuko Sato (Assistant Professor / Political science, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study)
4. „Selfcharging solar panels“ - Ashwinder Kaur (Herz Fellow / Physics, Zukunftskolleg)

The impulse talks were followed by a short Q&A session on the topic, moderated by matched fellows from the partner institute.