Zukunftskolleg Lecture SS 2011

The Zukunftskolleg honors for the first time one of the Senior Fellow with the Zukunftskolleg Lecture. Prof. Dr. Bernard D. Frischer will held a lecture on July the 15th at 6.00 p. m. in the lecture hall A 704.

"The Art of Science, the Science of Art - The Position of the New Discipline of Digital Archaeology in the Academy"

After the lecture there will be a get-together. If required there will be a professional child care for which the Zukunftskolleg repays the cost. If you are interested in…

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Lecture of Prof. Dr. Sandeep Verma

Prof. Dr. Sandeep Verma, Senior Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg (May-July 2011), gives a talk titeled "Hirarchical Peptide Superstructures" within the Kolloquium KoRS-Cb of the Graduated School Chemical Biology.

15.06.2011, beginning: 17:15, room: L 602

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New release by Nathan Weisz in "Frontiers in Perception Science"

Another article is published in the Journal "Frontiers in Perception Science" by Nathan Weisz, who is fellow of the Zukunftskolleg and Emmy-Noehter Groupleader in the Department of Psychology at the University of Konstanz.

Nathan Weisz, Thomas Hartmann, Nadia Müller, Isabel Lorenz and Jonas Obleser:

"Alpha Rhythms in Audition: Cognitive and Clinical Perspectives"

Here you can finde an abstract of this article.

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Study "Raum - Expedition: Konsanz"

Anna Lipphardt, former researcher in cultural sciences at the Univerity of Konstanz and alumna of the Zukunftskolleg, and her colleague Eva-Chritiana Edinger, researcher in sociology, as well as 14 students of the master programs “Soziologie” and “Kulturelle Grundlagen Europas” published a study about “Raum – Expedition: Konstanz”, which tries to answer the question “To whom belongs the space?” and analyses conflicts. From an article in the Südkurier dated 3th May 2011 you can find out that the…

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Workshop "The Nature of Possibility"

The fellow of the Zukunftskolleg Wolfgang Freitag organizes a workshop titeled "The Nature of Possibility" for the Department of Philosophy of the University of Konstanz . The first talk "Lewis - He Himself! - On the Analysis of Modality" will be given by John Divers (Univesity of Leeds) on Thursday 26th May at 6.15.pm (room G 307). Also there will be talks by members of the Department of Philosophy on various topics surrounding possibility and necessity (room C 358) on Friday 27th May, from…

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Election of the Executive Committee

At 14th of April 2011 the first Jour Fixe of the summer term 2011 took place at which four new executive committee members had to be elected. The thirteen nominated Fellows held a short statement over their candidacy before finally Samuel Schindler, Ulrich Sieberer, Thomas Voigtmann and Dominik Wöll were elected. Afterwards the new Executive Committee met for the first time. Congratulations to the newly elected members and good luck!

The Fellows in the Executive Committee (fltr): Thomas Voigtmann, Ulrich Sieberer, Helen Gunter, Samuel Schindler, Dominik Wöll
The Fellows in the Executive Committee (fltr):

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University Day of Hegau-Bodensee-Seminar

The Zukunftskolleg will host the annual University Day of the Hegau-Bodensee-Seminar on 25 February 2011. The Hegau-Bodensee-Seminar has been promoting particularly interested lower secondary (Sec I) through to upper secondary (Sec II) school pupils and students enrolled at general grammar schools in the administrative district of Konstanz. Besides working groups and presentations, a University Day is held once a year. Sixty pupils are expected to attend this year with whom Anne Hauswald,…

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"A Rising Star"

A portrait of Franz Huber in issue 3/2010 on page 13 in "german research", the Magazine of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  More...

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Error as impetus? A somewhat different history of science (as part of the lecture series "Science in Question"

Vortragende: <link http: www.lrz.de>

Prof. Ulrich Wegenroth (Münchner Zentrum für Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte)

Fruchtbarer Irrtum<link http: www.exc16.de cms>

Prof. Bernhard Kleeberg (Professur für die Geschichte der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Konstanz)

Hindernis, Reibung, Irrtümer zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften



Prof. Dr. David Gugerli (Technikgeschichte, ETH Zürich)


19. Januar 2011, 18 Uhr

Universität Konstanz, R 513



Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe…

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New release by Jure Demsar in „Nature“ online edition of November 24, 2010

M. Eichberger, H. Schäfer, M. Krumova, M. Beyer, J. Demsar, H. Berger, G. Moriena, G. Sciaini, R.J.D. Miller "Snapshots of cooperative atomic motions in the optical suppression of Charge Density Waves", Nature, published online DOI: 10.1038/nature09539.

Jure Demsar is Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg and Group leader in the Department of Phyisics at the University of Konstanz, funded by Sofja Kovalevskaja Award from Alexander von Humboldt foundation. For more information please visit:


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Science and Reality

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirsch (Konstanz/Exzellenzcluster)

Are spirits real? Notes on the anthropology of spirits possession

It is a major paradigm in anthropology that ethnographers should seek to understand what has been called "the native"s point of view" ­ regardless whether "the native" is an African peasant or a Swiss banker. But how should anthropologists relate to the claim voiced by religious practitioners in many parts of the world that understanding their life-worlds presupposes the…

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Karl-Winnacker Scholarship

Juniorprofessor Dr. Jörg Hartig is awarded the Karl-Winnacker Scholarship for excellent junior researchers. The scholarship endows EUR 37,500 Euro. Additionally Jörg Hartig receives EUR 35,000 Euro for consumables or for a PhD position. ... More

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Winners of the Mentorship grants of the Zukunftskolleg 02/2010

The Zukunftskolleg advertised mentorship grants of up to EUR 4,500 for the second time this year on September 11, 2008. Congratulations to all successful applicants:

  • Dr. Federica Basaglia (Department of Philosophy). Mentor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Ludwig (Universität Göttingen)
  • Dr. Attila Tanyi (Department of Philosophy). Mentor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Fehige (Universität des Saarlandes)
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New Release by David Ganz

David Ganz / Felix Thürlemann (Hg.), Das Bild im Plural. Mehrteilige Bildformen zwischen Mittelalter und Gegenwart, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer 2010.
More information: http://www.reimer-mann-verlag.de/controller.php?cmd=detail&titelnummer=101426&verlag=4

The anthology and the previous conference were funded by the Cluster of Excellence exc 16 of the University of Konstanz. David Ganz is Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg and presently acting chair for Kunstgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit at the University…

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Klaus Grohe Award for Alexander Titz

On the occasion of the 126th meeting of the "Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte (GDNÄ)” on September 17-21, 2010 in Dresden Alexander Titz was awarded with the renowned “Klaus-Grohe-Preis”. This award is bestowed on young up-and-coming scientists for their excellent work in the field of medical chemistry. Alexander Titz is Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg since October 1, 2010.

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New Fellows at the Zukunftskolleg

The Zukunftskolleg welcomes two more up-and-coming researchers as Fellows who had succeeded in the 5th application procedure for Fellowship grants and have started to work in Konstanz.

Philosopher Jeff Kochan will perform his project on “The Role of Emotion in Scientific Decision-Making” at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Konstanz. He was previously a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Department of Philosophy at the University of St. Gallen and a Visiting Researcher at…

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Virtual Jazz Bar on October 7, 2010, BildungsTURM Konstanz

Am Donnerstag, 7. Oktober ab 19 Uhr, findet im Konstanzer BildungsTURM eine medienwissenschaftliche Performance zum Zukunftskonzept der Universität Konstanz statt. Alle Mitglieder der Universität Konstanz sind in der "Virtual Jazz Bar" herzlich willkommen! Mehr

Und ausserdem: Multimediale Installation zum Zukunftskonzept der Universität Konstanz „Wie geht es weiter mit der Exzellenz?“

„grenzenlos denken“ innerhalb wie außerhalb der Universität Konstanz – dazu lädt die multimediale Installation…

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Winners of the Doctoral Fellowships 2010

The Zukunftskolleg's doctoral fellowship programme is geared to students at the University of
Konstanz who are in the third year of their doctoral studies. Outstanding young researchers
from all university departments who are in the final phase of their doctoral thesis and are expected to contribute significantly to the scientific discourse are eligible for funding. The following applicants were granted the Doctoral Fellowship 2010:

  • Julian Bauer (Dept. of History)
  • Khalid Kalim Wasim (Dept. of…
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Appointment for Iris-Tatjana Kolassa

Iris-Tatjana Kolassa accepted an appointment as a W3-Professor for Clinical & Biological Psychology at the Institute for Psychology and Education at the University of Ulm. She is a Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg since its foundation in November 2007 and served also as a member of the Executive Committee.

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New Senior Fellow Yoram Carmeli

Yoram Carmeli is a Professor em. at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Haifa, Israel. He has written seminal empirical studies on the circus. Since his dissertation which was based on an ethnographic field study which he carried out as a participant observer and professional clown in a British family circus, Carmeli has contributed comprehensively to the central issues in the field of circus research. Until today this field is characterized by research perspectives…

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