World Government or Else?
The first joint workshop of the Zukunftskolleg with the Collegium Helveticum, Zurich, Switzerland, was held on June 13 & 14
Attila Tanyi organized the first joint workshop of the Zukunftskolleg with the Collegium Helveticum. It was held on June 13 in Zurich and on June 14 at the University of Konstanz. Attila is both an Associated Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg and a Fellow of the Collegium Helveticum.
The world is encountering several global challenges: climate change, global injustice, and war particularly stand out. Some think that there is only one adequate answer to these challenges: to create a world state that governs the entire globe. This two-day workshop will examine the question whether we need a world government (and in what form), both from theoretical and from empirical angles.