Jan-Martin Wiada

Public Talk: The Value of Academic Values

The Zukunftskolleg invited everyone to the public talk led by Jan-Martin Wiarda (journalist and author)

The event took place in the framework of the Zukunftskolleg's Scientific Retreat at Schloss Hohenfels.


What is the difference between science and activism, what distinguishes a values-driven science from an ideological science? And: Are there academic values that are independent of certain disciplines, cultures and value judgments?

I think so. Because science needs a solid foundation of values in order to do justice to its obligation toward society. This, the recognition of its obligation and responsibility toward society, is a fundamental academic value by itself.

In my keynote I talked - without claiming to present a complete list - about the seven values: impartiality, truthfulness, transparency, fairness, diversity, performance orientation and social responsibility; about their interdependencies  - and what they should mean both to academics at the beginning of their scientific career and to academic institutions. 

Watch Jan-Martin Wiardas talk here.