Jour Fixe: "Strengthening Mental Resilience"

The Zukunftskolleg invited everyone to the jour fixe led by Ori Harel (Educational-psychologist and mindfulness yoga trainer).

Ori Harel (Educational-psychologist and mindfulness yoga trainer) offered a workshop on "Strengthening mental resilience: Strategies for dealing with academic stressors"


Academic living is often experienced as stressful due to some specific characteristics, such as work-life balance, relationship with supervisors, meeting deadlines, the lack of constructed schedules and more (Tsai, & Muindi, 2016). Graduate students are more than 6 times as likely to experience depression and anxiety as compared to the general population (Evans, et al., 2018; Loissel, 2020).

In this participatory workshop we will discuss our specific academic related stressors, and how to manage them and cope better. We will practice various exercises to increase our well-being, assertiveness, and confidence.

GOALS: Raising awareness to stress symptoms, impacts, implications, and coping strategies; Learning about The Resilience Model: pathways and practices for increasing emotional regulation.

PARTICIPANTS WILL GET: Presentations, inspiring materials, practical tools and beneficial exercises.