Jour Fixe: "Crystallization of alternative cement hydrates"

The Zukunftskolleg invited everyone to the jour fixe led by Cristina Ruiz Agudo (Research Fellow / Chemistry) .


The effects of global warming and climate change have become very apparent in recent years, underscoring the need for urgent global action to reduce CO2 emissions. Industries, particularly the construction industry, face unique challenges that require upgrades or replacements while maintaining significant production volumes. Among these, the cement industry stands out as a major contributor to anthropogenic CO2 emissions. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the cement industry will account for nearly 7% of total anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions in 2021. Cementitious materials literally form the foundation of modern society, providing essential solutions for housing and infrastructure needs. Despite advances in building technologies towards resource efficiency, cement will remain an indispensable building material. As a result, the cement industry faces the daunting task of decarbonizing while meeting growing demand.

In recent decades, the development of environmentally sustainable cements has become a primary concern of the international scientific community. The performance of cement-based materials depends mainly on the micro- and nanostructure of the network of hydrated solid phases formed during curing. Therefore, controlling their formation at the molecular and nanoscale level from the early stages is crucial to modulate their properties.

In this talk, I will give an overview of cement composition and functionality and present the project proposal supported by the Zukunftskolleg in 2020. This proposal has served as a catalyst, fostering the development of several research avenues that have significantly shaped the actual focus of my research group, as I will also outline.