Associate Members of the Zukunftskolleg are project staff, doctoral researchers and external cooperation partners of the fellows and Senior Fellows. Associated Fellowships are granted for the duration of one year upon application only. Beneficiaries of the Zukunftskolleg´s funding programmes or members of the University of Konstanz whose field of work is related to that of the research units represented in the Zukunftskolleg can also apply for an Associated Fellowship.


Jacob Bloomfield



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Associated Fellow upon application

Affiliated with the Department of Literature

At the Zukunftskolleg since 07/2020 (former Postdoctoral Fellow)

Project: Tutti Frutti: Little Richard, Sex, Gender, and Transgression in America and Europe
The project investigates the career of pioneering musician Little Richard; specifically, how he became the most prominent black rock and roll artist of the 1950s, achieving then-groundbreaking popularity with the white mainstream in the United States and Britain, while predicating his persona on male effeminacy. The project probes how Richard's global popularity was achieved amidst a backdrop of pervasive cultural anxieties in mid-twentieth-century America and Britain about the links between gender variance and transgressive acts, behaviours, and categories of identity. This research offers new insights into the wider history of how gender variance and sexual difference were perceived in the Anglosphere; giving special consideration to the particular dynamics at play when theatrical gender variance was displayed by a young African American man in this period and how cultural anxieties regarding gender variance manifested themselves among different races, cultures, and nationalities.

Julia Boll



Phone: +49 7531  88-5689

Room: Y 222

Post office box: 216

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Associated Fellow upon application

Affiliated with the Department of Literature

Project: Thinking Through Theatre

At the Zukunftskolleg since 03/2013 (former Postdoctoral Fellow)

See detailed profile:

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Sidney Carls-Diamante



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At the Zukunftskolleg since 07/2020 (Postdoctoral Fellow until 06/2023)

Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy

Project: Philosophical Explorations of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe and common lifelong mental illness with extensive existential ramifications alongside its psychological and physical symptoms. These existential issues - which are crucial to bipolar individuals' wellbeing - are traditionally philosophical topics. However, philosophical investigations that could address and resolve these concerns (e.g. whether BD is inseparable from one's personality) and other conceptual difficulties (e.g. whether bipolar depression and major depressive disorder are distinct) that influence how bipolar individuals and clinicians understand and handle the illness are sparse.
As BD has not been subjected to extensive philosophical scrutiny, conceptual issues about its nature, manifestations, and management have been neglected. It is necessary to address and identify these issues, as they scaffold understanding how BD affects individuals, dealing with its symptoms, devising treatment programs, developing new medications, future descriptions in psychiatric manuals such as the DSM and ICD, and even insurance coverage policies.

Mohsen Jenadeleh

Computer and Information Science


Phone: +49 7531  88-2035

Room: Z712

Post office box: 697

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Associated Fellow upon application

Affiliated with the Department of Computer and Information Science

Project: Visually lossless compression for JND-based video quality assessment using crowdsourcing

Associated Fellow since 12/2021

Google Scholar profile:

Jeff Kochan



Phone: +49 07531 88 - 5661

Room: Y 318

Post office box: 216

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Associated Fellow upon application

Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy

Project: The Constructive Role of Emotion in Scientific Reasoning

Associated Fellow since 09/2012

Publications on KOPS

Yeliena Kovalska

History and Sociology


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Visiting Fellow from 06/2022 until 03/2023; Associated Fellow since 04/2023

Affiliated with the Department of History and Sociology

Assistant at the Department of Methodology and Methods of Sociological Research, Faculty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Project: Use of factorial design to determine the significance of Personal social status characteristics (according to the Adapted for Ukraine Warner’s Status Characteristics Index)

Methodological principles of the factorial design method (FD) were described by German sociologists Katrin Auspung and Thomas Hinz. In “Factorial Survey Experiments” (2015),  FD method allows us to find both common social principles of judgments and differences of subgroups. Thus, it is intended for a deeper understanding of the principles of judgments of respondents.

The combination of the potential of the FD with the possibilities of social status measuring methods have perspective cognitive potential. Operationalization of social status in terms of FD providet according to Adapted for Ukraine Warner’s Status Characteristics Index. Ukrainian sociologist Yeliena Kovalska adapted W. Warner's index to the conditions of modern empirical research in Ukraine on the example of Kyiv. It consists a wide range of characteristics, but also is calculated by a formula that measures the individual weight of each component. These weights were proposed based on an expert survey, but it should be verified on national survey to measure the significance of the subjective social status characteristics.

All of characteristics of Adapted index can be redesign to factors and scales can be redesign to levels. The method of factorial research assumes the presence in the questionnaire of one or a set of specific questions, which are called "vignettes" and in which a certain situation is formulated, from which the respondent needs to find a way out. As part of our work, we will create vignettes based on the above factors and levels of the adapted Warner index (located in Kyiv). After the sample of vignettes is formed, they should be distributed among the survey participants. There are many different ways to accomplish this, but we will use the R statistical environment. As method we would use web research (using LimeSurvey).

Maryna Lytvyn



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Visiting Fellow from 11/2022 until 07/2023; Associated Fellow since 08/2023

Affiliated with the Department of Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Economic Theory and International Economic Relations Department, Director of Resource Center for Sustainable Development of Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Project:  Global Challenges of Sustainable Development of the World Economy

The topic of the research aims at preparing Ukraine to the adjustment to the European Union. Germany 's experience in implementing the policy to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for Ukraine will be used. The first section of the research will substantiate the methodology for studying the global challenges of sustainable development of the world economy and define the SDGs for analysis. In particular, the following research questions will be raised and discussed. What is the quality assurance role in SDGs promotion? How do Ukrainian and German higher educational institutions consider SDGs in their policies and procedures? What are the current practices of evaluation and monitoring of the Ukrainian and German higher education contribution to sustainable development? What steps and actions should be taken to enhance quality assurance contribution to SDGs, taking the experience of Germany? The Research will be based on the case study, observation and questionnaire methods (Creswell & Poth, 2017).  The second section of the research will examine the impact of global challenges on the economic component of sustainable development and SDGs. The social dimension of SDGs of the world in the conditions of globalization is analysed. The influence of globalization processes on the ecological component of SDGs is investigated.  The third section of the research will be devoted to the analysis of national mechanisms for financing sustainable development in Germany. The model for ensuring sustainable development of countries in the context of global challenges will be developed, considering the experience of Germany and the European Union. The fourth section of the research, the strategy for achieving sustainable development of Ukraine will be developed, considering the experience of Germany.


Doris Penka



Room: Y 223

Post office box: 216

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At the Zukunftskolleg since 08/2008 (former Research Fellow)

Associated Fellow upon application

Affiliated with the Department of Linguistics

Project: Quantifiers in Natural Language

See detailed profile:

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Svitlana Podplota



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Visiting Fellow from 06/2022 until 06/2023; Associated Fellow since 07/2023

Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy

Senior lecturer at the Department of the Preschool Education and Social Work, Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine

Project: Peer Tutoring in Higher Education Institutions

Peer tutoring is learning and consultation among equals. Today peer tutoring is common in many Universities and is becoming even more important especially at German Universities. As opposed to rather classic situations in a university context in Ukraine where both learning and consultation take place between students and professors, peer tutoring creates an environment that does not involve an imbalance in power and authority.
Peer tutors are no replacement professors but rather initiate and encourage their fellow students to reflect on their learning process and problems through the use of moderating and consulting techniques.
For successful peer tutoring in Ukraine it is vital that peer tutors go through a qualified training. An increased popularity of peer-assisted learning has caused a growing interest in taking a closer look into how student tutors are trained to handle the task. My future study will provide an overview of the tutor training strategies at different faculties in Germany. I am going to study professional training programs in Germany that focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of the work of a peer tutor. My study will also attempt to investigate the concept of peer tutoring and its impact on learning.

Jennifer Randerath



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Research group leader, University of Vienna, Austria, from 10/2022

At the Zukunftskolleg since 07/2015 (former Research Fellow)

Associated Fellow upon application

Affiliated with the Department of Psychology

Project: Motor Cognition: Behavioral and Neural Principles as well as Clinical Implications

This project focuses on an important ability in everyday life: interacting with tools and objects. Examples range from reaching, grasping and manipulating tools to more complex everyday life actions such as making coffee. Yearly there are numerous cases with limb apraxia, a complex cognitive motor disorder after stroke that typically affects the use of tools. Limb apraxia is a predictor for performance on daily life tasks. And yet many aspects of this disorder remain to be investigated, such as underlying mechanisms, predictors for its persistence in chronic phases or suggestions for new trainings. To gain vital future advancements in the topic of motor cognition, controlled fundamental behavioral and neuroimaging research with healthy adults and patients are combined. This translational neuroscience project is predominantly designed to obtain new insights into the mechanisms of planning object related actions as well as the development of training-approaches for patients with a disorder therein. Therefore the interdisciplinary project is conducted via a joint collaboration of the University of Konstanz's Department of Psychology and the Kliniken Schmieder in Allensbach.

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See video on Jennifer Randerath's research project.

Nihan Toprakkiran

Politics and Public Administration


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Associated Fellow upon application

Affiliated with the Department of Politics and Public Administration

Project: Immigrants in Germany as External Voters: Explaining Support for Home-Country Populism

At the Zukunftskolleg since 04/2019 (former Postdoctoral Fellow)

This project analyses the determinants of the political behaviour of immigrants as external voters, that is in their capacity as voters in the elections of their countries of origin. Empirically it focuses on Turkish, Polish and Italian immigrants living in Germany, which are all eligible to vote externally. In particular, it is interested in finding out how the level of integration and the rights of immigrants within the same country of residence affect their propensity to support populist parties in the country of origin.

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Publications on KOPS