Workshop & Podcast on Collaborative Work

Donnerstag, 19. September 2024
9 bis 12 Uhr

Y 326

Veranstaltet von
Sonja Kralj

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Jennifer Eschweiler and Annette Stenslund

Research often involves collaboration - either with other researchers or with organisations and individuals from society and industry. On 19 September 2024 from 09:00 - 10:30, Jennifer Eschweiler and Annette Stenslund from Roskilde University (Denmark) will offer a workshop in English at the University of Konstanz (Room Y 326). Eschweiler and Stenslund have co-developed a guide to responsible and sustainable transdisciplinary, cross-sector and cross-cultural collaboration. The workshop will familiarise participants with the guidelines through reflection exercises on frequently occurring dilemmas in collaborative research. Anyone who conducts collaborative research or is interested in doing so can register: primarily researchers and teaching staff from all disciplines, but also students, research support staff or people from society and industry who are involved in research projects.

Immediately after the workshop, Eschweiler and Stenslund would like to record an English-language podcast episode with interested participants on the challenges of collaborative research and their impressions of the workshop. If you would like to take part, please send an email to by 30 June, stating whether you would like to participate in the workshop only or also in the podcast.