European Map with the 11 EUniWell partner universities
European Map with the 11 EUniWell Partner Universities

European University for Well-Being

Die "European University for Well-Being" (EUniWell) ist eine von 50 europäischen Hochschulallianzen und besteht aus elf Partneruniversitäten aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Schweden, Spanien, Ungarn und der Ukraine. Zentrales Ziel der Allianz ist es, durch gemeinsame Aktivitäten in Forschung, Lehre und Transfer, auf ein höheres Wohlergehen und Wohlbefinden (engl.: well-being) aller hinzuwirken.

Opportunities and Events (to be announced soon)

Konstanz Summer School of Collective Behaviour

22. Juli bis 8. August 2024

VCC / University of Konstanz

Veranstaltet von
CASCB, Ahmed El Hady

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

Welcome to the second Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour (KSCB) 22 July - 9 August 2024

Collective behaviour is all around us from flocks of birds to schools of fish to human crowds. Collective behaviour happens across multiple spatial and temporal scales making it one of the most ubiquitous, natural phenomena around us. For a long time, organismal collective behaviour has been studied separately across many disciplines from biology to ecology to physics to engineering. The aim of this school is to bring multiple disciplinary approaches to collective behaviour, studying a wide variety of organisms using different methods. The school thus aims to prepare the next generation of scientists that are exposed to a breadth of approaches to study collective behaviour.

Further information


Dr. Daniela Kromrey
Coordination European Universities Alliance
Office C 338

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