European Map with the 11 EUniWell partner universities
European Map with the 11 EUniWell Partner Universities

European University for Well-Being

Die "European University for Well-Being" (EUniWell) ist eine von 50 europäischen Hochschulallianzen und besteht aus elf Partneruniversitäten aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Schweden, Spanien, Ungarn und der Ukraine. Zentrales Ziel der Allianz ist es, durch gemeinsame Aktivitäten in Forschung, Lehre und Transfer, auf ein höheres Wohlergehen und Wohlbefinden (engl.: well-being) aller hinzuwirken.

Opportunities and Events (to be announced soon)

FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence 2024

27. bis 30. Oktober 2024


Veranstaltet von

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

Building on the success of previous editions, we are pleased to announce the upcoming FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence 2024. Following the remarkable achievements and insightful discussions at the 2020 and 2022 Conferences on a FAIR Data Infrastructure for Materials Genomics, we are excited to continue the discussion and further collaboration and innovation in this growing field with the theme of Data Intelligence.

Conference topics:

  • The “NFDI Cosmos”
  • Data management, stewardship & databases (FAIR research, repositories, ontologies, error quantification, etc.)
  • Machine learning (ML) applications using existing data repositories
  • New strategies for materials synthesis based on ML-approaches
  • Developing strategies for scale-bridging workflows in computational materials science
  • Digital twins
  • High-throughput simulation
  • Automation (autonomous experimentation)

Link to abstract submission and registration.


Dr. Daniela Kromrey
Coordination European Universities Alliance
Office C 338

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