European Map with the 11 EUniWell partner universities
European Map with the 11 EUniWell Partner Universities

European University for Well-Being

Die "European University for Well-Being" (EUniWell) ist eine von 50 europäischen Hochschulallianzen und besteht aus elf Partneruniversitäten aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Schweden, Spanien, Ungarn und der Ukraine. Zentrales Ziel der Allianz ist es, durch gemeinsame Aktivitäten in Forschung, Lehre und Transfer, auf ein höheres Wohlergehen und Wohlbefinden (engl.: well-being) aller hinzuwirken.

Opportunities and Events (to be announced soon)

Creating, Managing and Archiving Textual Corpora in Underresourced Languages

28. bis 30. August 2024


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Research Data Management and Multilingual DH DARIAH Working Groups

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

This workshop is organised by the Research Data Management and the Multilingual DH DARIAH Working Groups.

If you are interested to participate remotely, please send an email to No on-site participation is possible.


Day 1 (corpus building) – 28.08.2024, afternoon

Francesco Gelati and colleague (Universität Hamburg): Welcome Greetings

Alíz Horváth (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest): Opening Speech. What is Corpus/Data/Workflow in a multilingual context? Why a workflow for non-English sources? Rationale behind the workshop

Metadata, lexicography

Péter Király (GWDG, Göttingen): Multilingual metadata standards and metrics through Europeana

Francesco Gelati: Metadata for archiving Textual Corpora

Agnes Kim (ACDH-CH, Vienna): Multilingualism in corpus building

Corpus building

Till Grallert (Freie Universität Berlin): Corpus building from open, collaborative and scholarly digital editions

Merve Tekgürler (Stanford University): Approaching existing materials as data through 18th century court histories

Day 2 (corpus management) – 29.08.2024, whole day

Nanette Rißler-Pipka (DARIAH-DE National Coordinator): Institutional Greetings

Corpus management – textual and non-textual

Cristina Vertan (Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Marburg): Corpus-Processing with Clarin Tools

Alessia Spadi and Emiliano Degl’Innocenti (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Florence): Tools for Corpus Processing

Aleksandr Riaposov and Alexandre Arkhipov (Universität Hamburg): Workflows for managing digital corpora of minority languages

Georgios Vardakis (University of Padua): Annotating low-resourced languages with the Interlinear Text Annotator: A case study in Corfioto

Putting it all together

Jonas Müller-Laackman (State and University Library, Hamburg): Closing the Gap in non-Latin script data

Shih-Pei Chen and Calvin Yeh (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin): LoGaRT – Local Gazetteers Research Tools for classical Chinese

Day 3 (Synthesis, publication, writing sprint) – 30.08.2024, morning until lunch

Alex König (CLARIN) [and Laure Barbot (DARIAH) remote]: SSH Open Marketplace

Françoise Gouzi (DARIAH): Transformations – DARIAH Overlay Journal

Further information


Dr. Daniela Kromrey
Coordination European Universities Alliance
Office C 338

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