European Map with the 11 EUniWell partner universities
European Map with the 11 EUniWell Partner Universities

European University for Well-Being

Die "European University for Well-Being" (EUniWell) ist eine von 50 europäischen Hochschulallianzen und besteht aus elf Partneruniversitäten aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Schweden, Spanien, Ungarn und der Ukraine. Zentrales Ziel der Allianz ist es, durch gemeinsame Aktivitäten in Forschung, Lehre und Transfer, auf ein höheres Wohlergehen und Wohlbefinden (engl.: well-being) aller hinzuwirken.

Opportunities and Events (to be announced soon)

Informatik und Informationswissenschaft

3rd Workshop on Women* in Computing

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024


Veranstaltet von
SFB TRR 161 and Humane AI

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
various speakers

After overwhelmingly positive feedback to our second event last year, we are delighted to announce the third Workshop on Women* in Computing!

In this half-day workshop, we focus on the financial aspects that play a role during a career in computing, with reflections on gender equality and diversity. We have invited a selected number of successful researchers from industry and academia who will take the stage to share their perspectives and unique insights into their careers and research domains. With this event, we aim to foster mentorship in career development for young (female) researchers by establishing and strengthening a network of Women* in Computing.


Dr. Daniela Kromrey
Coordination European Universities Alliance
Office C 338

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