Press inquiries, media events and event organization

Press inquiries and media training

On television and the radio, researchers are sought-after experts. They are important interviewees and, in science shows, for example, they explain background information and contexts for viewers. On discussion panels, they provide science-based information. They are asked to take a stand and explain complex matters so they are easy to understand. At the same time, studio lighting and cameras contribute to an environment that can feel unfamiliar.

Communications and Marketing provides media training and assists you with sharing your latest research results and responding to press inquiries. Please email us if:

  •  You want to draw the attention of the press or specific target groups to your research
  •  You have been contacted by the press and need tips for interview situations
  •  A film crew will be visiting you soon – we will be happy to accompany you there
  •  You are interested in getting media training

Event organization

Are you planning to organize an event? You will need to account for a wide range of factors while planning and organizing an event. Our webpages "Event and conference management" hold the information and assistance you will need.