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The qualification N - The sustainability certificate of the University of Konstanz

The qualfication N is the sustainability certificate of the University of Konstanz, which was created in 2017 on the initiative of students. The interdisciplinary certificate programme is based on the triad of Learning.Doing.Networking and enables Bachelor's and Master's students from all disciplines to deal with complex social challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, social injustice or the crisis-ridden economic system.

In addition to imparting sustainability expertise and scientific knowledge, the focus is on acquiring forward-looking skills and taking action. The certificate programme enables students to implement specific practical projects and network with each other and with key sustainability stakeholders in the region.

Sustainability and educational understanding of qualification N

The qualification N is based on the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and thus encompasses social, economic and cultural dimensions of sustainability in addition to ecological ones.

The certificate programme also pursues a competence-oriented and emancipatory educational approach in terms of education for sustainable development (ESD), which supports students in developing sustainability skills for a transforming world and proactively shaping the future.


Overview of the 17 SDGs
Overview of the 17 SDGs

Overview of the modular structure of the qualification N
Overview of the modular structure of the qualification N

Modular structure of the qualification N

The qualification N comprises a total of 12 ECTS credits and consists of three modules that must be completed in order to obtain the sustainability certificate, in line with the underlying triad of Learning.Doing.Networking.

Module 1 - Learning includes participation in the one-day introductory workshop and at least three sustainability seminars (9 ECTS).

In Module 2 - Doing students plan and realise their own sustainability project (3 ECTS).

Module 3 - Networking consists of participation in at least two network meetings.