Support for students who are in danger or have fled Ukraine

Students from Taras Schewtschenko University of Kyiv and the Kyiv National Economic University

The International Office remains in contact with our Ukrainian partner universities, Taras Schewtschenko University of Kyiv and the Kyiv National Economic University, in order to continue to enable exchange students to come to Konstanz. 


Ukrainian students who are enrolled as exchange students or degree-seeking students at the University of Konstanz

All exchange students or degree-seeking students in Konstanz who have been affected by the war and need support are asked to email the International Office. Please do not hesitate to make use of our offer to help.

Degree-seeking students:
Exchange students:

Prospective students and current students from Ukraine

We offer three options for prospective students and current students from Ukraine who are not enrolled at one of our partner universities:

1. If you have already studied at least two semesters you can complete an orientation semester in Konstanz

During the orientation semester, you attend courses you select with the assistance of our Student Advisory Service. We recommend taking German language courses along with subject-specific academic courses. Once you are enrolled in the orientation semester, you can complete exams and earn ECTS credits for your work. You can take part in up to two orientation semesters. At the end, you will get a printout of your grades and subjects completed that you can use when applying for a study programme in Germany or abroad. The application period has been extended for the summer semester for prospective students who have fled Ukraine.

If you do not already have housing and funding, we can assist you with finding accommodation and applying for financial support.

2. Intensive language course in German

All bachelor's programmes at the University of Konstanz require German language proficiency for admission. The University of Konstanz offers preparatory language courses for prospective students who have fled their country. Register online with the "Study as a refugee" team. You can combine the language courses with either an orientation semester or the guest auditor programme.

3. Guest auditor programme

As a guest auditor, you can attend lectures without taking the corresponding exams. There are no formal requirements for the programme, however we recommend having language proficiency of at least level B1+ in the respective language of instruction. The guest auditor programme can be combined with an intensive language course in German.
Study as a refugee:

Café Mondial: Language Learning Café and Buddy Programme

The Language Learning Café offers the opportunity to improve your German in an open and relaxed atmosphere. The focus is on speaking with each other and exchanging ideas. The meetings (no registration needed) take place weekly at Café Mondial (Zum Hussenstein 12, 78462 Konstanz), always on Thursdays from 7 to 8 pm.


The university group at Cafe Mondial provides a Buddy Programme for students from Ukrainian universities who have fled to Konstanz or the surrounding area. Local students accompany refugees to appointments with government authorities, introduce them to the university campus and invite them to join student activities. The programme is for all school graduates and  students from Ukrainian universities  who would like to have contact with the local academic community. Simply contact the university group Cafe Mondial if you would like to join the buddy programme – either as a Konstanz-based student (mentor) or as a (prospective) student from Ukraine.


Contact with students who are in danger or have fled Ukraine

If you have contact with students who are in danger or have fled Ukraine and you would like to help them, for example, with applying for funding, please connect them with the Study as a refugee team.


Information for applying to study in Germany

Information from ministries and federal authorities