Image: Tina Hartung, Unsplash

Donations and aid for Ukraine

All university members and exchange students in Konstanz and Ukraine who have been affected by the war and need support are asked to email the International Office. Please do not hesitate to make use of our offer to help.

The University of Konstanz's donation drive: #UniKN_hilft_Ukraine

The donation drive will help the University of Konstanz provide fast and unbureaucratic financial assistance for Ukrainian students and researchers who are in danger or have fled their country. No matter how small – each contribution makes a difference. Information about the University of Konstanz’s donation drive

Information and exchange about the German labour market

The University of Konstanz is looking for contact persons working in Germany or its neighbouring countries who want to support students and graduates from Ukraine through informal exchanges about career opportunities and information about the German labour market. Further information

Informal support network for students and researchers from Ukraine

Every person at the university can contribut to the network of informal/non-financial support for refugee students and researchers from Ukraine. Information on possible offers - from tandem partnerships, scholarships, job offers to office jobs - is collected in a form. This information enables the central university institutions to become active in a targeted and rapid manner, to match offers with demand and to initiate uni-internal partnerships for students and researchers from Ukraine.

Other ways to donate and help

In these difficult times, we ask you to show solidarity with all those affected by the war in Ukraine – be it fellow students, colleagues, academic partners or others. If you would like to support people in Ukraine, you can donate to one of the following initiatives and humanitarian organizations:

Other initiatives in Germany (some privately organized):