Tandempartnerschaften zwischen jungen Geflüchteten und Studierenden der Wirtschaftspädagogik starten nach positivem Semesterabschluss in die zweite Runde
Projects by Dina Dechmann, Alex Jordan and Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin are among 34 selected in global competition for prestigious Human Frontiers Science Program Grants.
What's happening in our backyards when we sleep at night? Biologists from the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Radolfzell are using motion activated wildlife cameras to find out which wild animals are exploring our gardens and lawns. Help them discover the animals in your backyard! Find out more in our online magazine.
Collaborative multimedia interview project of the University of Konstanz and the Berlin Wall Foundation with members of the generation born in 1975 – now taking applications