[Translate to Englisch:] Eine Hand, die ein Handy hält und ein Foto von einem Gewächs macht.
[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Fang-Wei Lin

Contest for the best nature photo

The University of Konstanz opens 2024 Nature Positive photo contest for the best nature photo taken on campus.

There is amazing biodiversity on the University of Konstanz campus. This provides a multitude of opportunities to take great pictures this spring and summer – and the best ones can even earn a prize.

As a founding member of Nature Positive Universities, the University of Konstanz has set itself the goal of promoting biodiversity on campus through its regional and academic networks. This year everyone, young and old, is invited to take snapshots of this biodiversity and enter the best ones in the Nature Positive photo contest.

The contest is open to anyone, which means participants do not need to be university members. However, the photo must be taken on the university campus or in its immediate surroundings. Prizes will be awarded in four categories: plants & fungi, animals, landscape & community, humans & nature.

A jury of experts in photography and biodiversity research will select the winners. The best photos will be on display in the Bodensee Naturmuseum in Konstanz starting 8 October 2024. On 6 November, the exhibition will move to the University of Konstanz Library. There will be an opening reception at each location. The top submissions selected by the jury and the public will receive gift vouchers worth 120 euros.

Photos can be submitted until 15 July 2024 via an online form. More detailed information

Funded by forum.konstanz Funding as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments