Departmental Student Advisory Service and Examination Offices
All individuals in all departments and institutions who can advise current and future students
We can help you with all your questions about:
- how your studies are structured
- planning the upcoming semester
- getting credit for coursework completed elsewhere (e.g. after transferring to the University of Konstanz)
- taking the orientation test and intermediate examination as well as completing all in-course coursework and academic performance assessments and preparing for exams
- and any other issue related to your field of study.
Our departmental examination offices will help you with specific questions about:
- registration and deregistration from examinations
- recording of exmanination results
If you are a student in the third or higher semester and would like to change your field of study:
You are required to meet with us for individual consultation before you can do so (§ 60 paragraph 2 No. 5 State Law on Higher Education). For documentation, please use the form on the upper right side under "Links and Downloads".
Information Engineering, Computer and Information Science
Department of Computer and Information Science
Chemistry, Life Science and Nanoscience
Biology and Biological Sciences
History, Sociology, Sports Science and Empirical Educational Research / Education Sciences
Department of History, Sociology, Sports Science and Empirical Educational Research
Departmental Student Advisory Service and Examination office HISTORY
Departmental Student Advisory Service and Examination office SOCIOLOGY
Departmental Student Advisory Service and Examination office SPORTS SCIENCE
Departmental Student Advisory Service Empirical Educational Research / Education Sciences
Literature-Art-Media, Literatures-Cultures-Languages, Classics and the Ancient Near East
Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies
Linguistics, Multilingualism, Speech and Language Processing
Politics - Administration - Management
Department of Politics and Public Administration
Departmental Student Advisory Service and Examination administration
Law (First State Examination, B.A. minor subject, LL.M., Erasmus)
Economics, Economics and Business Education, Financial Mathematics
Central Advice and Services
Homepages with contact information
e.g. Language Institut (SLI), International Office, Binational School of Education (BiSE), Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) or Student Service Centre (SSZ) etc.