Career fairs and career days
Career fairs are a great opportunity to get a feeling for the current job market.
Career fairs are a good opportunity to look around the current job market. You can collect some first-hand information about potential employers, establish direct contact with your desired company and get a feeling for how to behave and interact in a professional environment. At stands and job walls you can inform yourself about open positions. Often there is also a supporting program with lectures and workshops where you can learn from experts in the industry.
For a first overview, we have collected some career fairs for you here which fit the study programs offered by the University of Konstanz.
Career fairs and career days
- Career Venture - Recruiting events for university graduates, young professionals and experienced managers
- deGUT - Fair for business start-ups and entrepreneurship in Germany
- herCareer - Career fair and networking event for female graduates, women in specialist and management positions and women setting up businesses
- Hohenheim Consulting Week - Recruiting event for students and doctoral candidates with an interest in the consulting industry
- JOBcon Finance - Career fair of the financial sector for students, graduates and young professionals
- jobvector - Career fairs for computer scientists and natural scientists
- JURAcon - for students, trainees and fully qualified lawyers
- Karrieretag - is an organizer of regional job fairs e.g. for Stuttgart, Munich and Berlin
- Sprungbrett-Events - regional career days in Switzerland for students and graduates of various specialization
- Sticks & Stones - LGBT+ Job and career fair for all specialization
- T5 JobMessen - for computer scientists, natural scientists and economists