An advisor of the Career Service team is advising a student.

Advice and support for job search and career planning

You can make use of our consulting services for all questions regarding career orientation, internships, career entry and applications.

Our consulting services are free of charge and open to all University of Konstanz students, doctoral researchers and graduates (until two years after graduating). Our advisors have all completed a certified advisor training programme and possess many years of experience in job-search and career advising. We can consult with you in German or English.

The contents of your individual consultation remain confidential; you and the issue discussed will stay anonymous. Our consultations are open, unbiased and resource-based. This means you are completely free to make all the decisions yourself. We assist you with assessing problems for yourself and making your own decisions.

You can arrange appointments for our various consulting services using our new appointment tool:

Our consulting services

By participating in a digital consultation, you agree to the data protection regulations for Zoom.