What connects humans and bonobos during collective eating? A conversation about rituals, rules, and feasts with behavioural ecologist Barbara Fruth and health psychologist Britta Renner.
What makes information reliable? A University of Konstanz study shows: People do not necessarily believe experts or reputable sources – they tend to believe information that confirms their existing opinions.
Biologist Eduardo Sampaio researched octopuses off Cape Verde. He participated in a Citizen Science-led expedition that retraced the journey of Charles Darwin.
Behavioural economist at the University of Konstanz and Thurgau Institute of Economics (TWI) studies controversial matters of covid policies and demonstrated when mandatory policies are useful and when they are not.
To sting or not to sting? An alarm pheromone plays a decisive role in bees' willingness to sting - and their group size, as scientists from Constance have now shown
First places nationwide in multiple categories of current ranking for the University of Konstanz with its consistently high proportion of open access publications and publications with international partners
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