Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news

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The effectiveness of sanctions

Do international sanctions work? And what effects do they have? In order to examine these and similar questions, Konstanz political scientists Gerald Schneider and Patrick M. Weber compiled an extensive data set, which is now freely available.

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Hector Research Career Development Award

For the third time, the Hector Fellow Academy has presented the Hector Research Career Development (RCD) Award. On January 28, 2023, the jury of experts selected three young scientists whose research careers the Hector Fellow Academy now supports: Among them is neuroscientist Anna Stöckl from the CASCB and the University of Konstanz.

Collective eating

What connects humans and bonobos during collective eating? A conversation about rituals, rules, and feasts with behavioural ecologist Barbara Fruth and health psychologist Britta Renner.

Which sources do we trust?

What makes information reliable? A University of Konstanz study shows: People do not necessarily believe experts or reputable sources – they tend to believe information that confirms their existing opinions.

What Darwin would discover today

Biologist Eduardo Sampaio researched octopuses off Cape Verde. He participated in a Citizen Science-led expedition that retraced the journey of Charles Darwin.

Migrating insects

By flying with hawkmoths during migration, scientists reveal the insects employ sophisticated flight strategies similar to vertebrates.