Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news

Black swans in public administration

Administrative scientist Professor Wolfgang Seibel from the University of Konstanz awarded a Reinhart Koselleck Project to carry out pioneering research into serious organisational failure

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Reading in the 21st century

[Only available in German] Eighth Wolfgang Iser Lecture hosted by the Cluster of Excellence Cultural Foundations of Social Integration

How to share without creating dependency

[Only available in German] The next Dahrendorf lecture, hosted by the University of Konstanz's cluster of excellence, examines how wealth can be distributed fairly. Please note that the lecture will be held in English.

Insights into closed enzymes

Scientists at the University of Konstanz and Umeå University in Sweden have arrived at a structural model of the enzyme adenylate kinase in its closed state

Connecting chains

Konstanz chemists demonstrate how the chain length of fatty acid molecules can be doubled

The rules of baboons

Konstanz biologists study the principles underlying the collective movement of baboons

The clever cell

A biological chemistry working group at the University of Konstanz has decoded a molecular mechanism that inhibits the swarming motility of bacterial populations