Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

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Vulturine guineafowl move in highly cohesive groups. This cohesion allows them to coordinate their actions as they move together through the landscape, and therefore maintain stable group membership over extensive periods of time. Image credit: James Klarevas

Complex society discovered in birds

The first existence of a multilevel society in a non-mammalian animal shows that large brains are not a requirement for complex societies

Uncovering hidden intelligence of collectives

Research team including scientists from Konstanz discovers that information processing in animal groups occurs not only in the brains of animals but also in their social network.

Konstanz "Fridays for Future" school strike. Image: University of Konstanz

Fridays for Future has the potential to become a mass movement

Researchers at the University of Konstanz and the University of Mannheim release analysis of a national survey in Germany: One in two Germans would be willing to take part in climate protests; more than one in three support a CO2 tax. These are the results of a national survey published by the organizational researchers Sebastian Koos (University of Konstanz) and Elias Naumann (University of Mannheim). The full text is available in German.