Chinese researchers on forum.konstanz lake excursion

As part of their two-week visit to European environmental research institutes, 17 students from Nanjing University's School of Environment were able to take and analyze water samples themselves. This excursion is part of the “Eco-environment Field Camp of the Rhine River” and offers the students unique insights into water ecology and environmental protection.

Last Thursday, the University of Konstanz's Limnology research vessel had a special visitor: a group of 17 students from the School of Environment at Nanjing University in China. As part of a two-week stay in Europe, the students visited various renowned environmental research institutes. In addition to Constance, their trip also included the Institute for Ecopreneurship at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland in Muttenz, the Zoological Institute in Cologne and the Environmental Technology at Wageningen University.

The highlight of their two-day visit to Constance was their participation in the forum.konstanz lake excursion program. The students had the opportunity to take water samples themselves and analyze them directly on board the research vessel. The practical event on the ship was accompanied by lectures on topics such as the microbiology of pollutant degradation in sewage treatment plants and general limnology by Prof. Bernhard Schink, Prof. David Schleheck and PD Dr. Nicolai Müller. This allowed theoretical knowledge to be applied and deepened in a real-life context.

During the visit to Europe, the students want to acquire theoretical knowledge about the control and treatment of water pollution and look at the process of environmental protection of the Rhine from pollution to successful remediation. This knowledge will be used to develop a sense of responsibility for the environment and strengthen measures to protect the local waters.

The lake excursion in Constance offered students a unique insight into limnological research methods and broadened their understanding of the challenges and solutions in the field of aquatic ecology. They were able to experience first-hand the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and hands-on research to develop sustainable environmental solutions.

This visit is an excellent example of how international cooperation and exchange programs can contribute to the promotion of young scientists. The students from Nanjing University have gained valuable experience that will accompany them in their future academic and professional careers. At the same time, the University of Konstanz has further strengthened its role as an important center for limnological research and international exchange.