Representation of interests

1. Staff Council

The Staff Council is elected for a term of five years by all university staff members and includes both employees and civil servants. The Staff Council represents all university staff members (§ 4 LPVG (state staff representation act)) with the exception of professors (§ 99 LPVG).

Its task is to advocate for the rights and interests of the university’s staff members, which includes ensuring that all applicable laws, regulations and labour agreements are complied with as well as making suggestions for improving working conditions at the university. This applies, for instance, to recruitment and pay scale issues, occupational safety, working conditions and much more.

Room G 402
Winfried Schaden (chairperson)
+49 7531 88-3939,
Giovanni D’Imperio (vice chair)
+49 7531 88-3556,

2. Representation for persons with disabilities

For the University of Konstanz it is very important that there are as few barriers as possible for staff members with a severe disability. The university's representation for persons with disabilities and the inclusion representative support the realization of this goal:

a) Representation for persons with disabilities
The representative for persons with disabilities and two deputies are elected every four years by the staff members with a severe disability. Their task is to promote the inclusion of staff with severe disabilities, to represent their interests and to provide them with advice and support.

Tobias Neumann
Representative for staff with disabilities
+49 7531 88-4016

b) Inclusion representative
The university's inclusion representative advises staff members with severe disabilities and their supervisors on issues such as additional vacation days, funding for work aids or work assistants etc.

Christine Aicheler
inclusion representative
+49 7531 88-2054

3. Equal opportunity representative

In line with its equal opportunity plan, the university is committed to advancing equal opportunities for women and men, removing disadvantages faced by women, preventing discrimination and promoting a balance between work and family life. This goal is pursued both for researchers as well as staff in the academic support services.

The equal opportunity representative for academic support staff is elected for a five-year term. Equal opportunity representation includes:

  • supporting the university in implementing the Chancengleichheitsgesetz (ChancenG, equal opportunity law)
  • monitoring compliance with relevant laws (e.g. in the context of job announcements, recruitment, part-time contracts etc.)
  • taking part in job interviews for positions in the academic support services
  • advising staff on balancing work and family life (e.g. leave of absence, childcare, parental leave, part-time work, caring for family members)

Inés Eckerle
equal opportunity representative (for academic support staff)
+49 7531 88-4747

Contact points and contact persons

1. i-Point: the central point of contact

The i-Point is the technical control room at the university and the central point of contact and information for staff, guests and external companies. The i-Point is staffed around the clock, 7 days a week. It is responsible for monitoring the university's fire alarm system

as well as for receiving reports of technical problems in buildings/systems and relaying this information to the relevant units.
If you notice technical problems (your heater does not get warm, the ventilation in the laboratory does not work, etc.) or damages/defects in the building (a socket is damaged, the tap is dripping, the door does not close properly, etc.), please contact the i-Point on the university's internal phone number 2699 to report the problem.

In case of an emergency such as accidents, fire etc., please also call the i-Point. The staff there will contact the relevant persons at the university (Facility Management staff, first aiders, fire safety staff) or, if necessary, coordinate external assistance.
So if you are injured, feel unwell and need help for yourself or others, or if you notice a fire or smoke, please contact the i-Point immediately on the university's internal emergency phone number 2222.

In addition to this, the i-Point is the first point of contact at the university for external companies, where their staff members receive the corresponding keys or transponders needed for their work.

2. Equal Opportunity Office

The equal opportunity representative for academic staff is responsible for the topic of gender equality in academia. She is elected for a one-year term by the university's Equal Opportunity Council. The Equal Opportunity Office supports her in her work. The tasks include:

  • gender-equitable organizational development (e.g. gender-equitable appointment processes, active recruitment, equal opportunity in the Excellence Strategy)
  • advice on balancing studies and family life
  • advice on balancing research and family life
  • mentoring and support
  • diversity-oriented organizational development in teaching, research and advice services
  • Advice and programmes for all university members in special circumstances

Marion Woelki
Director of the Equal Opportunity Office
+49 7531 88-3055

3. Advice and support for addressing conflicts and discrimination

Wherever people meet and work together, a number of problems can arise, ranging from open conflict to various forms of harassment and discrimination. We offer all university members information, advice services and support so they will not have to deal with such situations alone.

Our overview of support services helps you find the right point of contact. The content of any consultations is kept strictly confidential.

4. Who to contact regarding sexual harassment, sexualized violence and discrimination

The university has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to assaults of any kind, as clearly outlined in the Guidelines to Combat Discrimination and Sexualized Violence. There are two contact persons at the university for questions relating to sexual harassment. Affected staff may talk about their experiences with either the male or the female contact, who will gladly assist them in finding a solution.

If staff experience sexual harassment, they may of course also turn to any person responsible for staff and training, for example supervisors, teachers or instructors. In emergencies and outside normal working hours, staff can call +49 7531 88-2222. Staff may also contact the director of Human Resources at: +49 7531 88-2366.

Inés Eckerle and Werner Palz
Contact persons for issues regarding sexual harassment
+49 7531 88-4747 and +49 7531 88-4274   

5. Contacts in case of property damage and theft

In case of property damage or theft, please immediately inform Facility Management.

Philipp Gehrmann
director of Building Services
+49 7531 88-4252

Outside regular working hours or if you cannot reach Philipp Gehrmann, please contact the i-Point at: +49 7531 88-2699.

6. Contacts in cases of discrimination, physical assault and violence

Legal Affairs is the contact for staff who experience discrimination as described in the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG), physical assault or violence.

Elke Braun
director of Legal Affairs
+49 7531 88-3549

If discrimination, violence or threats occur outside normal working hours, please contact the i-Point at: +49 7531 88-2699

Contacts to help address a problem, conflict or discrimination