Hochschulpartnerschaften der Universität Konstanz auf einer Karte
Hochschulpartnerschaften der Universität Konstanz auf einer Karte

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility

Are you an administrative staff member at the University of Konstanz? Do you have an enquiring mind, enjoy learning and want to connect with your European colleagues?

Erasmus+ staff mobilities provide both organisational and financial assistance for this purpose.

Mobility grant for training mobility at an Erasmus+ partner university

In exceptional cases, also for stays at businesses in European countries or by invitation from European business representatives

As part of the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, the University of Konstanz funds mobilities for administrative university staff at partner universities and businesses.


 The objective is to promote the internationalisation of universities by funding:

  • exchanges between European universities
  • continuing education for university staff from different fields
  • the nurturing of Erasmus+ partnerships and
  • training stays with colleagues with similar responsibilities.

In some cases, you can even take part in specific seminars, workshops and language courses - if they complement the continuing education acquired abroad.

Target group

University of Konstanz staff from any department/division - employed as administrative staff.


1. Partner universities in Europe who have an Erasmus+ agreement with the University of Konstanz.

2. Businesses in Europe. European business representatives can also be invited to the University of Konstanz;

3. Partner universities outside Europe, as part of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) programme.


At least two days; in exceptional cases, up to two months


  • Reimbursement is limited to the fixed daily rates and travel allowance provided per country.
  • Funding is limited to five working days.
  • No additional participation fees or language course fees.


1. individual stays: Please contact us at the International Office when you start making your plans so we can assist you with:

  • coordinating all the exchange requests for our partner universities,
  • making your first contacts and
  • information and advice along the way.

You will need to submit:

  • a formless letter of motivation,
  • written approval from your supervisor,
  • an invitation from the host department/division and
  • a proposal listing the work you intend to complete and its personal and institutional benefit.

You should also be prepared to receive exchange staff from other universities in return.

2. Staff weeks: Invitations from partner universities will be forwarded to the respective division. An EU staff week database informs about the opportunities available at European universities.

Generally, one mobility activity per department/division can be funded.

Since, however, the available budget is limited, some applications may be denied. The criteria used to award funding are:

  • motivation and planned work
  • staff week programme
  • importance of the stay abroad for the respective department/division
  • relevance of the partner university to the University of Konstanz.

Preference is given to staff members who have not yet completed a mobility activity (with the exception of Erasmus+ departmental coordinators) and those ones taking part within the  "Zertifikat Interkulturelle Kompetenz" - call for application for this programme will be announced in September.


You can apply for an Erasmus+ staff mobility at any time. Please contact us by the end of January if you are planning a stay in the summer semester.
Please be sure to consider the current call for applications for the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme for stays outside Europe.

Erasmus+ formalities

Before the stay abroad begins, 1) an internal travel application must have been approved and 2) the following Erasmus+ requirements will need to have been fulfilled (see right column). EU Feedback: the “Mobility Tool” will request this directly from you.

We apologise for the inconvenience of this bureaucratic requirement. It is, however, a necessary part of the programme’s oversight by the EU and the DAAD (the responsible national agency).

Process description

At least two weeks before your stay begins, please hand in the following documents to the International Office after they have been approved by your supervisor:

  • your “Antrag auf Genehmigung einer Reise” (travel request) and
  • the required ERASMUS+ forms.

¹ The current Erasmus+ countries include the 27 EU countries as well as Turkey, Norway, Lichtenstein and Iceland. At the moment, stays in Switzerland and the UK cannot be funded.

² You are required to have an employment contract in order to apply. For this reason, contract lecturers are excluded from participating. Additional funds for special needs are available upon application (for disabilities, travel abroad with children for single parents).