Erasmus+ 2021-2027
The new programme will be more digital, green, inclusive.... Spring brings the new programme guide and the Charta.
The Erasmus program is the central educational program of the European Union. The University of Konstanz will participate intensively in the Erasmus program generation 2021-2027 and is eager to implement updates in the upcoming years. In more than 30 years, the departments have established relationships with around 230 partner universities and offer extensive mobility options for study abroad exchanges at all levels (BA, MA, PhD) as well as visiting lectureships and staff mobility for administrators and professional services. These InterInstitutional Agreements are the basis for a wide range of options.
Note: The digital transition is ongoing and causews some delays in the implementation of EWP - Erasmus without paper. Currently some tools (Beneficiary Module, InterInstitutional Agreement Manager, digital Learning Agreeemts, Online LInguistic Support, etc) do not work as smooth as anticipated. The EU is working on improvements and we kindly ask for your patience.
The new generation 2021-2027 focuses on
Erasmus+ Digital: Promotion of digital skills of students and teachers, virtual and hybrid mobility formats; but also digitization of the program administration under the heading "Erasmus without Paper" (digital learning agreements and recognition processes, inter-institutional managers, nomination tools) and the European Student Card will be further implemented over the next years.
Green Erasmus: Integration of the education program into the European Green Deal by promoting environmentally friendly travel routes and engagement as well as cooperation projects on “green issues”, raising awareness of sustainability, the environment and climate change.
Erasmus+ social participation: directs the focus on equal opportunities through further offers and wants to explicitly address previously underrepresented target groups (e.g. socially disadvantaged, special needs, first-generation academics, small subject areas)
Already since 2020, the University of Konstanz is partner within ERUA - European Reform University Alliance. A pilot project for the European Universities 2020-2023 funded within Erasmus - and supplemented by Horizon2020, DAAD and MWK.
"Erasmus" is more than a simple exchange program! In the following, you can find out how the University of Konstanz uses the program and which funding lines are available ...
The European education programme "Erasmus+ 2021-2027"
General background information
The new EU education program "Erasmus 2021-2027" will start in 2021. Around 23 billion € are available for the next seven years. Erasmus is not only the world's best-known mobility program, but also an important internationalization opportunity for over 3,000 universities in Europe. Adult and vocational education, school and youth programs as well as sports programmes belong to this program, but play a rather small role in the context of universities.
Erasmus is the major facilitator for credit mobility of students, supports the goals of the European education agenda and is a motor for internationalization, modernization and qualitative improvements as well as comparability within the European Higher Education Area. The program also contributes to the development in partner countries around the world.
By the way: ERASMUS is an acronym for European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students.
Under the umbrella of the EU education program "Erasmus 2021-2027", the following funding lines re available:
Mobility of individuals (Key Action1)
• study abroad for students (credit mobility)
• traineeships for students
• study and research abroad for doctoral candidates (new focus)
• virtual and blended formats (new)
• visiting professorships
• mobility of administrative staff and science support service
• to a limited extent mobility to worldwide partner countries (former ICM - International Credit Mobility)
Cooperation projects (Key Action 2 and 3)
• Partnerships for cooperation
• Partnerships for innovation (knowledge alliances, forward looking projects)
• Partnerships for Excellence: European University Initiative, Erasmus Mundus
• Jean Monnet program
Additionally, funding measures are available in the programme lines Sport.
For more information and advice on the Erasmus+ programme , please contact the International Office at the University of Konstanz or the National Agency:
DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service
National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn
"This project was financed with the support of the European Commission. All responsibility for the content of this publication (communication) is assumed by the author. The commission is not liable for any use of the information contained therein.”
Participating Countries
33 countries are participating in Erasmus 2021-2027 program (as of March 2021)
Member States of the European Union (EU)
Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic , Hungary, Cyprus
Program countries outside the EU
Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey
Note: Switzerland and Great Britain are considered partner countries in "Erasmus 2021-2027" – to a limited extend, funding for outbound mobilities might become available within the “international dimension”.
Erasmus+ Charter and European Policy Statement
The EU-Commission awards the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). This charter confirms that a university fulfils all requirements for successful participation in the Erasmus+ programme and demonstrates its commitment to the core topics of European higher education in the European Policy Statement:
Implementation of the Erasmus program at the University of Konstanz
Erasmus mobilities within the framework of partnerships (so-called Key Action 1)
Around 400-500 students use Erasmus Credit Mobility for Outgoings every year for a semester abroad in Europe. These are accompanied by the coordinators of the departments in all academic questions and administratively by the International Office. A monthly scholarship (€490 - €600 depending on the country), tuition fee waivers, recognition of academic achievements, extensive services from the host university, free online language tests and courses in many European languages are part of the programme. New are TopUps for Fewer Opportunities (€250/month for working students, first-generation students, student partent accompanied by children leaving and special needs, e.g. GdB>20) and Green Travel (€50 subsidy plus additional travel days).
The international dimension opens up funding mechanisms for students and staff with some important partner universities outside of Europe. (currently: Israel, Ukraine, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, South Africa, Singapore, India, Taiwan).
Around 250-350 exchange students per year visit the University of Konstanz and enjoy an extensive academic and social program.
New funding lines are the Blended Intensive Programs and PhD Short Term Mobilities for mobility within Europe (program countries).
Konstanz students and graduates as well as foreign research interns at the University of Konstanz can apply for a mobility grant for self-organized internships in Europe.
Teaching Staff Moblities are a funding option for all academic members and Staff Training Mobility is open to the non-academic support services (administration).
The University of Konstanz is a member of ERUA - European Reform University Alliance, an alliance within the European Universities' Initiative 2020-2023, additional support by national programs of the DAAD and MWK.
Joint Master Program – currently, the University of Konstanz has no approved MA courses with Erasmus+ funding.
Contact: International Office
Partnership projects and support for political reforms These funding lines (so-called Key Action 2 and 3)
promote the internationalization of European universities within the framework of consortia and alliances as well as the formation of networks and joint projects for capacity building in neighboring European regions and international partnerships worldwide. These are accompanied by projects to support reform processes in the European higher education area through surveys, analyses, research assignments, etc.
The International Office and Research Support jointly support the application process with advice and information, as well as with the implementation in the tried and tested structures.
Contact: Research Support