
Dear orchestra members!

On this page we have put together important information for you about our everyday life in the orchestra and the current rehearsal phase. Most of this information has already been communicated by email or verbal during a rehearsal. You are still welcome to check back here regularly if something has changed or if we have provided new information.

Your organizational team

Help us finding new musicians for the new semester!

All orchestra members are cordially invited to support us in our search for new musicians! We have prepared a graphic for this that you are welcome to use. Post it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. and send it via WhatsApp & Co.! We also created a 9:16 format version for your Insta story and WhatsApp status.

Rehearsal schedule

Our regular rehearsals take place on Mondays from 8 p.m. to 9.45 p.m. at the University of Konstanz, room K503.
For additional rehearsals, the time and place may vary. Please see the rehearsal schedule below and the information in Konzertmeister.
The register rehearsals are organized and implemented independently by the register members in the time slot provided. The dates and/or rooms can be swapped. Please organize this among yourselves.
Please make sure to be there on time for the start of rehearsal, warmed up and ready to start playing!

The current rehearsal schedule can be found in the Konzermeister app.

Rehearsal registration and deregistration using Konzertmeister

In order to be able to optimally plan our rehearsals, we need to know in good time which line-up we can rehearse with. Of course you can miss a rehearsal if you are ill or have to attend an important appointment. However, it is important that we know in good time.

Currently, we are therefore testing Konzertmeister. With Konzertmeister you can easily accept or cancel your participation in rehearsals. The easiest way to do this is via the smartphone app, but there is also a web application as an alternative. We always enter all planned dates in Konzertmeister at the beginning of the rehearsal phase. Please let us know as early as possible whether you can take part in the respective rehearsals or not. Information and instructions for Konzertmeister an be found at

If you cannot use Konzertmeister, please deregister as usual as early as possible by sending an email to

Non-musical activities

After each rehearsal we meet in our favourite pub Defne (Theodor-Heuss-Straße 20). All musicians are cordially invited!

E-mail distribution list and WhatsApp group

We communicate all important things by e-mail. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the email distribution list using the following link:

We have also set up a WhatsApp group for our members. If you want to be added there, please contact one of our organizational team members! 

Helpers wanted

As a university group (Hochschulgruppe), the university supports us in many matters, but we manage our group completely by ourselves. This includes the organizational administration of the university group, rehearsal planning and implementation, concert planning and implementation, public relations, the procurement of sheet music and instruments and much more. That's why we're always on the lookout for dedicated helpers who either want to take on one or more specific tasks or work on a wide range of topics and take on responsibility for our orchestra as a member of the organizational team. Access to these tasks is open to anyone interested. Just speak to one of the members of the organizational team during the rehearsal or send us an email!