Perspektiven der Akademischen Personalentwicklung
A conference on career-advancement opportunities in academia
Conference, 12 June 2013, Umweltforum Auferstehungskirche, Berlin
Hosted by Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, HIS–Institut für Hochschulforschung and the University of Konstanz’s Academic Staff Development team
Human resources development for academics is an important issue for universities and other research institutions. Careers in academia include more and more complex responsibilities while providing unpredictable career paths. This development calls for professional human resources development. As a result, universities and other research institutions have responded with academic staff development services which advance the careers of junior researchers as well as the further development of their organisations.
With funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the HIS-Institut für Hochschulforschung and the University of Konstanz’s Academic Staff Development team enabled discussion on this issue at the conference. Representatives from business and politics with human resources development responsibilities were invited to participate. They shared examples of best practices, discussed the value of, need for and perspectives in academic career advancement and were able to connect with other human resources development practitioners from universities and other research institutions.
With 160 participants, the conference was a complete success. The University of Konstanz and the Stifterverband thank all presenters and guests for their active participation, large interest and lively discussion.