Appraisal interviews in academia

Leading your team constructively

An appraisel interview is a structured one-to-one conversation between a team leader and an employee based on mutual respect. The conversation usually takes place on an agreed date, requires some time and benefits from good preparation by both parties (cf. Fiege, Muck & Schuler 2006). It leads to jointly supported agreements and goals that serve both the professional development of the employees and promote the development of long-term, sustainable, trusting cooperation.

It is advisable to hold an appraisal interview at least once a year in addition to working meetings on joint projects and tasks. A discussion on career development should be held before submitting the doctorate and in the second year after completing the doctoral thesis. The aim of this conversation is to clarify the potential for an academic career, to concretise professional goals, to reveal criteria for success and to develop individual support measures.

Our handouts for appraisal interviews with doctoral candidates and postdocs will support you in this.

For appraisal interviews with academic support staff, you find handouts on the pages of the HR department (German version, header "Mitarbeitergespräche") here .