General PostDoc Assembly, 11th July, 1:30-3:00 pm, Room: ML630

The agenda includes, among other things, a report from the current representatives on the first year of the PostDoc Convention and the election of the PostDoc representatives for the upcoming term (Oct. 2024–Sep. 2025).
We would be very pleased if you attend the General Assembly in large numbers so that we can achieve a quorum. Additionally, we would like to ask you to consider running for the representative position.

Postdoc Council

The entirety of all academic employees with a doctorate form the so-called Postdoc Council and elect a representative body from their ranks consisting of three spokespersons.

The spokespersons are responsible for accepting inquiries to the Postdoc Council, informing the Council about current issues and developments and maintaining regular contact with the Senate representatives of academic employees.

The spokespersons can set up working groups on specific topics and forward the results of these working groups to the relevant university bodies and hold discussions with the university management. They also prepare the general meetings of the Postdoc Council and, if necessary, adopt resolutions by electronic circulation procedure and chair the general meetings. According to the statutes, the Postdoc Council should meet at least once a semester.

At the constituent meeting on 06.12.2023, the following were elected as spokespersons

  • Katrin Vogt (Biology)
  • Elisabeth Maué (Empirical Educational Research)
  • Stefan Fischer (Philosophy)

We are happy to welcome anyone who would like to get involved in the Postdoc Council! You are welcome to send us an e-mail.

Work of the Postdoc Council


We invite you to join us for a relaxed coffee break!

We meet approximately every three weeks during the semester (alternating Wednesdays or Thursdays) to discuss postdoc-related issues in English and/or German. Everyone is welcome!

When and Where: always from 15:15 to 16:45

  • April 25th in G203
  • May 15th in G203
  • June 6th in H244
  • June 26th in G203
  • July 18th in H244

Working groups

The working groups are currently still being set up.

Are you interested in getting involved or do you have any questions or concerns? Please get in touch with us!

Current Events

Panel Discussion on the Konstanz Model for Sustainable Career Development

When and where: April 24th, 2024, 18:45-21:00 in ZT 1202


  • Prof. Dr. Malte Drescher | former Vice-Rector for Research
  • Prof. Dr. Isabell Otto | Vice-Rector for Diversity and Career Development
  • Dr. Andreas Keller | GEW Board Member for Higher Education and Research
  • Dr. Sibylle Röth | Co-Speaker of the Mittelbau Initiative Konstanz
  • Moderation Manuela Reichle | Consultant for university and gender equality policy of the GEW Baden-Württemberg

You can find more information in the flyer.

Past Events

Here you can find an overview of our previous events:

First official PostDoc Info Fair! April 15th, 2024

A very brief and informal introduction of the internal service facilities most relevant to postdocs, plus ample opportunity to get to know other postdocs from all departments of our university. Staff members from the following university services were there for your questions:

  • Research Support: Support with funding, grant writing, and applications
  • Academic Staff Development: Qualification courses and academic coaching
  • Academic Staff Development: Teaching
  • Office for Gender Equality, Family Support, and Diversity: Support for a good balance between university and family life, services for specific member groups
  • International Office: Support with onboarding, especially for internationals, and „outgoers“
  • Open Access Support: Funding support for publications

You can find more information in the documents.