Uni Konstanz helps Ukraine

The university's donation drive for students and researchers who are in danger or have fled their country: #UniKN_hilft_Ukraine

For more than three decades, the University of Konstanz and the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Kyiv National Economic University have had a close partnership. Today, in the university city of Kyiv, people are taking refuge in subway stations from the Russian attack. As a university community we stand fully behind our partners in Ukraine – especially students and researchers who are in difficult situations because of the war. Our donation drive #UniKN_hilft_Ukraine will help us stand with these partners the best we can. We ask you to join us in this effort – your contribution makes a difference!
Rector Professor Katharina Holzinger

The current situation in Ukraine touches all of us. As a university, we have declared our solidarity with Ukraine and feel a particular responsibility to support our academic partners in Ukraine.

Many students and researchers now face extreme, sometimes even existential challenges as a result of this war. Since the backgrounds and individual situations vary widely, the university has set up the #UniKN_hilft_Ukraine donation drive to provide individual financial assistance for these very diverse situations.

You can help support Ukrainian and/or other students and researchers who are in danger or have fled their country!

First of all, we will support Ukrainian students in Konstanz who cannot return to their country. Your contribution means that these students can extend their stays and receive corresponding scholarships.

You can help make it possible for these young people to continue their studies in safety!

Secondly, we would also like to use the donations to support students and researchers who have fled their country as a result of the war. In these cases, the University of Konstanz is ready and able to provide opportunities for these academics to continue their study and research in Konstanz. We are working hand in hand with our partner universities on this matter.

You can help refugee students and researchers to continue their academic careers in a safe place!

We thank the University of Konstanz Society (UGK) for generously providing start funding for the drive.

Bank account for #UniKN_hilft_Ukraine:
Universitätsgesellschaft Konstanz e. V.
IBAN DE41 6905 0001 0000 0766 04

Payment reference: UniKN_hilft_Ukraine

You will receive a charitable donations certificate for your gift. Please include your address in the payment reference. In recognition of your support and with your permission, we would like to list your name on the University of Konstanz website.

We are unfortunately not able to take donations of physical materials. If you would like to provide other forms of support, please contact Agnieszka Vojta in the International Office: ukraine.support@uni-konstanz.de.

Working together to promote research, dialogue and freedom – our heartfelt thanks!

Thank you for your trust in us – we are happy to have you supporting the #UniKN_hilft_Ukraine initiative. You are helping Ukrainian students and researchers who are now in need to extend their stays in a protected environment in Konstanz.

I am a Ukrainian, and I come from Kyiv. I had to leave behind my familiar life, family and friends in Ukraine and migrate to Germany on very short notice. I feel torn, but I know we will win, and I believe in our soldiers, physicians, fire fighters and volunteers. Now more than ever, Ukraine needs help and support.
Maiia, 20 years old, student

We extend our thanks to:

Dr Karlheinz Autenrieth - Barbara Awiszus - Dr Franz Baumann and Barbara Gibson - Hans-Jörg Friedrich Baur - Dr Thomas Beck - Dr Eberhard Behnke - Dr Martin Beihofer - Johannes Berger - Paavo Karl Bergmann - Ruediger Blaich - Anna Brocke - Dr Christopher Bousquet - Ralf Brueggemann - Dr Lothar and Monika Burchardt - Maria Camila Calderon Capote - Dr Paul Töbelmann and Carolin Westphal - Bernd and Doris Christen - Danile Cuzzupe - Dr Annelies Dehnert-Hilscher - Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Deißinger - Martina Dietrich - Sandra Filtzinger - Professor Urs Fischbacher - Maria Francesca Ferin - Dr Volker and Hedy Figala - Dr Gerhild Framhein-Peisert - Dr Klaus Franken - Sandra Geldmacher - Ursula Haake - Martin Hinz - Stefan and Bärbel Hofmann - Robert Dirk Hofmeister - Professor Boris Holzer - Professor Katharina Holzinger - Professor Nikolay Zubanov, PhD, and Irina Glush - Professor Josef Georg and Janice Jäckle - Petra Jakesch - Dr Karl-Ludwig Jüngst - Katja Kaiser - Dr Rudolf Klein - Oliver Kohl-Frey - Werner Kolter - Kathrin Krautheimer - Ulrich Kuhn - Hennrich Lailach - Professor Dirk Leuffen - Volkmar Leutenegger - Dr Dieter Lorenz - Eva Maisel - Dr Tobias Mangler - Dr Robert Maus - Jannik Meßmer - Clara MLE Tatalidis - Veronika Netzhammer - Dr Andreas Opitz - Professor Isabell Otto - Kurt Paech - Lydia Petasch - Michael Pfleghar and Petra Haetscher - Guillaume Pineda - Arne Plitschka - Peter Preisendörfer - Professor Jacob Rosenthal - Sophia Rother - Professor Michael Schwarze and Regine Schumacher - Professor Bernhard and Regine Schink - Steffen and Renate Schlömer - Heike Schmieder-Wasmuth - Dr Florian Schneider - Dr. Katalin Schober - Professor Almuth Scholl - Torsten Siebler - Melanie Desiree Spangehl - Gerhard Speiss - Dr Gerd Springe - Rainer Steinke - Alexander Stiegeler - Professor Hans Wolfgang Strätz - Sebastian Stuetzel - Monika Stühlinger - Sophia Maria Timmermann - Peter and Christine Tittelbach - Ines Trenkwald - Professor Karin Unger - Mikhail Volkov - Johannes von Bodman - Mechthild von Gravenitz - Brigitte Wehrle - Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c Erhard Roy Wiehn - Professor Gereon Wolters

Our list of donors is in alphabetical order. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to all donors who chose not to have their names listed here.
