Opening hours & How to find us

Opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. - 15:00 p.m. (for members of the University)
Wednesday 15:00 p.m. - 20:00 p.m. (OpenLab for all)
Thursday 13:00  p.m. - 18:00 p.m. (for members of the University)
Friday closed event

How to find us

The FabLab is located on the campus of the University of Konstanz between the buildings A and R.

From the bus stops: Follow the path from the bus stops towards the main entrance until you reach the R building. You will recognise the building by its round shape. In front of the entrance to the R building is a spiral staircase that leads you to the building's roof terrace. On the roof terrace, follow the path that leads you past the R building to the entrance of the FabLab.

From the main entrance: Enter building A and walk towards the CampusCafé. Turn left and follow the corridor to the science buildings (L, M, N, P). Climb the stairs and and exit the building through the door to the left of the stairs onto the roof terrace. Turn right and follow the path. You are now at the back of the FabLab. On your left, a path leads up a small staircase and around the building to the main entrance of the FabLab

[Translate to Englisch:] Lageplan
[Translate to Englisch:] Lage des FabLab Konstanz auf dem Campus der Universität Konstanz