Continuing studies

Re-registration for the following semester by paying fees and removing individual obstacles

Do I have to re-register?

If you are enrolled at the University of Konstanz and you intend to continue your studies next semester, you must re-register (§ 11 para. 1 sentence 1 University of Konstanz Admission and Enrolment Requirements (ZImmO).

You have to be enrolled during the semester in which you complete your last examination. This also applies to any necessary repeat examinations (§ 1 para. 2 University of Konstanz Admission and Enrolment Requirements (ZImmO).


Even if you intend to change your study programme (e.g. change from a Bachelor's to a Master's programme), then you should re-register for your current study programme. When you receive and accept the admission letter for the new programme, then you will also receive an updated certificate of enrolment online via ZEuS that reflects your new study programme.

When do I have to re-register?

  • For the following Winter Semester: 15 July until 15 August
  • For the following Summer Semester: 15 January until 15 February

There may be slight alterations if the starting or end date of these periods falls on a weekend or national holiday (§ 11 para. 2 ZImmO).

The Student Service Centre (SSZ) will send you a valid email to your university account at the start of the re-registration period in order to remind you of the dates. You are legally obliged to use this email address (§ 1 para. 2 in connection with § 3 para. 1 User regulations for the University of Konstanz email system).

How do I re-register?

You re-register when you pay the required fees (§ 11 para. 1 sentence 2 ZImmO). Please transfer the required amount to the University Cashier's Office account using an individual 12- resp. 13-digit payment reference number, which is printed in your current personal data sheet.

In ZEuS you will get an overview by following the menu “My Studies – Student Service” and then further to “Bills and payments” about your individual re-registration fee.


This payment reference number only applies for the semester in question. Please only use the 12- resp. 13-digit payment reference number of your current personal data sheet.

It includes: 126 + student ID number (without "01/" or letters) + semester abbreviation (e.g. 242 for the Winter Semester 2024/25)

What is the semester abbreviation?
The first two numbers represent the year in which the semester begins for which you are registering ("24" for 2024). The third number is either a "1" for the Summer Semester, or "2" for the Winter Semester.

Example of a 12- resp. 13-digit payment reference:
126123456242 or 1261234567242

126: Stays the same
123456 resp. 1234567: Your 12- resp. 13-digit student ID number
242: Semester abbreviation

Please use a payment reference number WITHOUT spaces or additional characters before or within the 12- resp. 13-digit number. This is necessary to ensure that your payment is processed without delay. If you do not pay the fees and contributions in time, then you will be billed an additional administrative fee of 15 euros (§ 4 Administrative Fees Regulation of University of Konstanz).

Account details of the University Cashier's Office

IBAN: DE92600501017486501274


Bank name: Baden-Wuerttembergische Bank in Stuttgart

How much do I need to pay in order to re-register ?

The standard amount is currently 179 euros. See your personal data sheet or the internet pages about fees for information about the exact amount owed and its components.

How do I find out if my re-registration was successful?

Once you have paid your tuition fees and contributions and all other re-registration requirements are met, you will be mailed your personal data sheet with certificates of study and a semester sticker for your student ID card (§ 9 para. 1 ZImmO). Even before you get this sheet from us, you can even see at ZEuS what state you are currently on and if you have already been re-registered. Please login and navigate through the menu "My Studies – Student Service". In the header the desired information is displayed you are looking for.

What happens if I miss the payment deadline?

If you do not pay the fees and contributions in time, the Student Service Centre (SSZ) will send you a valid email after the end of the re-registration period as a payment reminder priviously. A few days later, you will be charged and rechieve a written reminder with an additional fee of 15 euros (§ 11 para. 3 ZImmO in connection with § 4 University of Konstanz Administrative Fees Regulation).

Not paying the outstanding sum during this extension period will result in your legal exmatriculation at the end of current semester (§ 62 para. 2 no. 4 State Law on Higher Education).

What can delay or prevent my re-registration even though I have paid my fees?

Typical issues that prevent re-registration according to § 11 para. 4 ZImmO and other regulations include:

  • You are missing proof of in-courses academic performance assessments that were completed on time, e.g. the orientation test or the intermediate examination, the final examination or necessary language skills for Bachelor's of Education studies. Your departmental student advisor will decide whether or not to grant your extension request. Please turn in the completed request to the SSZ.
  • As a student with health insurance, you still have outstanding fees to the German statutory health insurance fund (§ 254 Volume V of the Social Insurance Code), which can only be cancelled by the fund by means of a so-called M13 notification (= payment settlement) initiated by you.
  • You are missing some kind of documentary proof required for admission to study (e.g. completion of an orientation internship for teaching studies, transcript of the first university degree, submission of the external exmatriculation certificate).
  • You are about to exceed the maximum allowed period of study that is defined in your examination regulations.


As long as you have paid the tuition fees and contributions, these are the only cases where the late fee of 15 euros would be waived.

I have additional questions!

Many answers to frequent questions about re-registration and related topics can be found on the FAQ formalities page.