Physics – Master of Science

Postgraduate study programme which requires a first university degree. For this, the University of Konstanz offers the bachelor's programme in physics.

Building on the bachelor's programme, the master's programme first broadens your foundations in physics. In the advanced lab courses, you expand competencies that are important for working in the laboratory. Furthermore, you specialize in a specific area of physics through elective lectures, seminars and the master's thesis. You can choose from the following specializations in Konstanz:

  • Quantum Information and Quantum Materials
  • Computational Physics
  • Laser and Quantum Optics
  • Renewable Energies
  • Complex Systems and Biophysics

After graduation, you can pursue a doctorate, and you have excellent career prospects ranging from basic research to high-tech industry.

  • Master of Science
Start of study
  • Winter semester | Summer semester
Standard period of study
  • 4 Semester
Application period
  • 07.05. - 15.09. | 29.11. - 15.03.
Admission restriction
  • No
Mandatory minor
  • No
ECTS Credits
  • 120
Ø Number of new students
  • 45

Why study Physics in Konstanz?

  • open doors and excellent supervision
  • free and individual curriculum design
  • internationally networked research environment
  • studying between lake and Alps
  • numerous cultural and leisure activities
  • diverse opportunities for a stay abroad

Study content


Career prospects

Typical occupational fields of physicists include:

  • Basic and industrial research
  • Teaching in schools and higher education
  • Software industry
  • Automobile sector, chemistry, electrical engineering
  • Medical technology, mechanical engineering, engineering offices

If you prefer to opt for scientific research and teaching you can continue with doctoral studies.

You can find out more about career entry in the interview series #dreamjob - Starting a career. Alumni of the University of Konstanz report on their very personal career entry.

Study structure

Start of study

Winter semester | Summer semester

Study structure

You can find more information on the programme structure and an exemplary curriculum here.

These documents will support you in planning your studies:

Opportunities for additional training

At the University of Konstanz, you have a broad range of opportunities and training options that complement your study programme, for example orientation programmes to support new students, learning guidance, language courses, a data and information literacy programme as well as options promoting career-oriented skills and social commitment.

Skills for successful studies Career-oriented skills and social commitment Get ready for your career start

Internships and stays abroad

Stay abroad
The university promotes study abroad via Erasmus+ and numerous other exchange programmes. You can find out more about the different ways to go abroad during your studies on the information page of our department.

Impressions from students and lecturers

Hear from students and lecturers
In our interview series, students talk about their subject, teachers explain the department's research and tell you what topics they cover in seminars and lectures.

Get an impression
Discover online lectures and websites with more information about your prospective subject.

Study requirements

Admission requirements for studying

  • A completed bachelor's degree in physics or in a related subject with a grade of at least 2.6 or better. In the case of sufficient academic qualifications such as, a bachelor's thesis with a grade of "very good", scientific prizes or co-authorship of a referenced scientific publication the examination board (StPA) for physics may also admit applicants with an average grade between 2.7 and 3.0 for enrolment in the master's programme in physics.
  • Academic performance assessments in modules that cover the contents of the modules “Integrierter Kurs” (IK) III or “Integrierter Kurs” IV (integrated courses III or IV) of the bachelor's programme in physics at the University of Konstanz (see module guide physics bachelor (in German).

International applicants please also provide:

  • Documentation of German language skills level DSH-2 /TestDaF 4444, OR
  • DSH-1/TestDaF 3 3 3 3 with adequate English skills level B2, proved by either: TOEFL-test (87 points or more/internet-based), IELTS (score 5.5 or better), or Cambridge First Certificate (grade C or better).

Further formalities about the study programme can also be found here.

Further information can be found in the admission regulations.


Semester fee
All students enrolled at the University of Konstanz are charged a semester fee each semester, similar to all other German universities. Here you can find the current semester fee and its individual components.

Tuition fees for first degree studies for certain international students
Since winter semester 2017/18, the state of Baden-Württemberg has required some international students to pay tuition fees for their first degree studies. The following students are not required to pay tuition fees: citizens of a country within the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), doctoral students and certain “Bildungsinländer” (e.g. non-EU citizens with a German “Abitur”). More detailed information can be found here.

Each year, the University of Konstanz grants exemptions to a limited number of particularly gifted international degree-seeking students in accordance with the university’s “Begabtenbefreiungssatzung” (statutes governing the exemption of gifted students). More detailed information can be found here.

Tuition fees for second degree studies for all students
All students are required to pay tuition fees for their second degree studies. More detailed information can be found here.

Required language skills

Foreign language skills
German speaking students do not have to provide proof of any foreign language skills. However, as large parts of the research literature are written in English, good English skills are highly recommended.

German language skills
International applicants please provide: Documentation of German language skills level DSH-2 /TestDaF 4, OR DSH-1/TestDaF 3 with adequate English skills level B2, proved by either: TOEFL-test (87 points or more/internet-based), IELTS (score 5.5 or better), or Cambridge First Certificate (grade C or better).

Teaching and examination language

The common teaching languages in the master's programme are German and English. Course work and examinations can be taken in both German and English.

Interests and skills

  • Interest in scientific contexts
  • Analysis and problem-solving skills
  • Mathematical understanding


Application and application documents

Application documents

Please attach the following documents to your online-application:

  • documentation of your academic degree (with a grade of at least 2.6 or better) including details on course work. If you have not received your degree certificate by the end of the application deadline, please attach documentation of all your examination results so far.  In the case of sufficient academic qualifications such as, a bachelor's thesis with a grade of "very good", scientific prizes or co-authorship of a referenced scientific publication the examination board (StPA) for physics may also admit applicants with an average grade between 2.7 and 3.0 for enrolment in the master's programme in physics.
  • documentation of two academic performance assessments in modules that cover the contents of the modules Integrierter Kurs (IK) III or Integrierter Kurs IV (integrated courses III or IV) of the bachelor's programme in physics at the University of Konstanz
  • current certificate of enrolment or proof of exmatriculation (if you have studied at a German university, please indicate your 'Fachsemester’ and ‘Hochschulsemester’)

Important note: Please check the information provided under the tab "Admission requirements".

International applicants
If your documents are not available in German or English, you will need to have them translated. Please submit a German or English translation of your documents along with the original versions.

  • documentation of German language skills level DSH-2 /TestDaF 4444, OR
  • DSH-1/TestDaF 3 3 3 3 with adequate English skills level B2: TOEFL-test (87 points or more/internet-based), IELTS (score 5.5 or better), or Cambridge First Certificate (grade C or better)
  • applicants from China, India and Vietnam: APS certificate (original) issued by the German Embassy of your home country

An application is possible during the following period: 07.05. - 15.09. | 29.11. - 15.03.
There may be other deadlines if you are applying for admission to a higher semester (for instance, if you are changing subjects or universities). For more information please consult the university website .


Contact person

The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) can help you with general questions about finding the right study programme as well as when you are concerned or unsure about your studies. We will be happy to advise you and support you with a wide range of services .

Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
Room: D 409 – 412a
Make an appointment:

Questions related to the content or organization of the study programme:
Departmental student advisory service
Dr. Denise Hinzke
Room: P 616
Phone: +49 7531 88-2030

Studying at the University of Excellence Konstanz

With your university entrance qualification in your pocket, the sky is the limit. Get a top education at the University of Konstanz, benefit from outstanding teaching and interdisciplinary exchange on our international campus. Situated on a hilltop overlooking Konstanz with a great view of Lake Constance and the Alps, our nationally and internationally renowned research university has been recognized as a University of Excellence since 2007.

Top ratings in the CHE University Ranking regularly confirm the quality of our study programmes. Take your pick from more than 100 programmes! Our courses are close to research and will perfectly equip you for the future, especially in combination with practice-oriented, socially relevant transfer projects, opportunities for going abroad and qualification programmes that you can complete alongside your studies.

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