
Current news

[Translate to Englisch:] Karibische Türkisfärbung des Bodensees

Aquatic ecology up close: Pupils explore Lake Constance

Pupils from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium went on an exciting excursion to explore Lake Constance last Thursday and immersed themselves in the fascinating world of phytoplankton. The young researchers learned why Lake Constance suddenly shimmers a Caribbean turquoise green and experienced an unforgettable trip full of new insights.

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Exchange with the urban public

Under the motto "Von der Stadt auf den Gießberg", the public was invited to take part in exciting guided tours of the university last Thursday.

TransferRad - a mobile presentation platform

In a joint project between the University of Constance, the PH Thurgau and the HTWG Konstanz, funded by the Lake Constance Four-Country Region Science Network, a solar-powered bicycle trailer is being developed to bring universities together with other people from society.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Science up close: Successful school excursion with the research vessel

Last Thursday, pupils from Schule Schloss Gaienhofen immersed themselves in the world of limnological research under the guidance of Prof. Dr. David Schleheck and Maxima Gebhardt. From the microscopic examination of plankton to the analysis of ecological data - the event offered valuable insights into the complex processes of the lake and demonstrated the importance of scientific work for environmental protection.

forum.konstanz school excursion

Eight pupils from Ellenrieder-Gymnasium visited the research vessel “Robert Lauterborn” and experienced exciting insights into the underwater world of Lake Constance.

[Translate to Englisch:] Foto einer rosa Blumenwiese von Pixabay

2024 Nature positive photo competition has started

In the 2024 Nature Positive photo competition, everyone is welcome to submit photos of the University of Konstanz campus by July, 15th in the categories (i) plants / fungi, (ii) animals, (iii) landscape / community or (iv) people & nature. Selected photos will be exhibited in the Lake Constance Nature Museum and in the university library.

Lake excursions

As part of forum.konstanz, the Limnological Institute at the University of Konstanz offers the opportunity to take part in a trip on the research vessel "Robert Lauterborn" and to watch and take part in the taking of water samples.

For the dates in August and September, inquiries can now be made using our form.

Water research: Visit the research ship in the harbor of Konstanz

The forum.konstanz, the Limnological Institute and the vhs are offering a cooperation event with a visit to the research ship, where water samples can be examined using binoculars and a microscope. The event will take place on April 27th at 2 p.m. in the harbor of Konstanz.