Info meetings for international exchange students

The International Office offers a multitude of information meetings held in English every semester for all international students of the University of Konstanz on different current topics.

Summer Semester 2024

The International Office offers a couple of information meetings held in English every semester for all international students of the University of Konstanz on different current topics always in room G300. Please be sure to have the listed documents / things at hand as indicated in the respective event description. Some information meetings will be held twice to make sure, that at least one will suit your class schedule. Some info meetings will be additionally streamed live and also recorded [●] and made available to you on our website (approx. 1 day after the event):
The dates indicated below are referring to Konstanz local time which can be observed here:

All info meetings from SuSe 2024


Please be sure to have the listed documents / things at hand as indicated in the respective event description.

X1) Uni-Liga Konstanz: Soccer/Streetball/Beach Volleyball: introduction and teaming up
Thu, 11.04.2024; 17.00─approx.18.30 in G300

Sign up here before coming by the latest until: Wed, 10 April 2024 at 23.59:

Topics of the event

The summer league takes place outdoors on the popular "Old Mainau Road" every Wednesday from 15.00 until the evening. (Start: 30.4.(!); end of preliminary round: 5.6.; final: 3.7.; break: 29.5. and 26.6.).

Erasmus/international teams bring more spice to the very advanced but fun league, so join in if you can play soccer (6-a-side; max. 12 players), streetball (3-a-side max. 5 players) or beach volleyball (2-a-side, max 4 players)!!
Join our already registered 3 international teams Global Players, Erasmus United or World Wide Winners and save the starter fee and lead them to glory!
In order to join, please fill out the online form ( this info meeting by the latest until: Wed, 10.04.2024 at 23.59 AND come to the info meeting!

Information on the rulebook of the league and the opportunity to get to know the team, select a team captain and borrow your jerseys (return washed!).

X2) Information on the German mandatory license fee (Rundfunkbeitrag) [•]
Wed, 17.04.2024; 17.00─18.30 in G300 and
Thu, 18.04.2024; 17.00─18.30 in G300

Topics of the event

Every adult (18 years and older) registered in Germany is obliged to register for the license fee for the public-service broadcasting. Every household has to pay the fee (18,36 Euro per month).
What is it all about? Come and find out!

Please bring/have at hand:  
o  all letters you have so far received from the Beitragsservice
o  if a flatmate is paying the fees for your household:
Full name and "Beitragsnummer" of flatmate (in header of last letter)

X3) The inclusive University
DE: Wed, 24.04.2024; 17.00─18.30 in G300 and
EN: Thu, 25.04.2024; 17.00─18.30 in G227

Topics of the event

How to manage stereotypes, prejudice and bias in academia.
Discussion workshop by Dr. Sebastian Tillmann, Equal Opportunity Office

X4) Assisted registration for examinations/assessments via ZEuS and creation of TAN-list [•]
Thu, 02.05.2024; 17.00─18.30 in G300 and
Wed, 08.05.2024; 17.00─18.30 in G300

Topics of the event

If you’d like to receive ECTS (credits) or grades in courses that you are attending, then you have to register for examinations/assessments via ZEuS!
In order to be able to do so, we will all first create a TAN-list (TAN=transaction number) for those who haven’t created one yet. We will then register for examinations/assessments together.

Please bring/have at hand:  
o    laptop (if applicable) and access codes for campus WiFi/WLAN
o    TAN list (if applicable) or data sheet of SuSe 2024
("Datenkontrollblatt" - data sheet with blue stamp for student ID card)

X5) COMPULSORY: To-do's and important information before your return home [•]
Wed, 19.06.2024; 17.00─18.30 in G300 and
Thu, 20.06.2024; 17.00─18.30 in G300

Topics of the event

For all international students who will leave Konstanz at the end of the summer semester 2024!
You will receive all important information regarding the formalities that have to be dealt with before you return back home (e.g. important information for non-EU/EEA students regarding the residence permit and its expiry, how to request the Transcript of Records, your municipal de-registration and exmatriculation, etc.).

Please have at hand:
o your (Seezeit) tenancy contract
o non-EU/EEA: your passport and residence permit card/visa