Who is Knirps & Co.?

The Association in Detail

From small but powerful in 1996 to comprehensively expanded now - the development of the association has been marked by great commitment and major hurdles. How do the board of directors and parents' council work to continue maintaining the high quality?

The board of the association works on a voluntary basis.

At the annual general meeting, the members of the association elect at least three board members for a period of two semesters.

In order to optimize the cooperation in questions of childcare, the University of Konstanz sends a representative from its Equal Opportunities Office to the board.

The functions of the board are:

  • To make decisions regarding operational and strategic direction based on the financial plan and organizational culture,
  • To conduct negotiations vis-à-vis the university,
  • Take positions regarding research affiliation,
  • To determine criteria for the allocation of places as well as
  • Determine the range of care offered (number, age, types of care, services, opening hours, etc.).

Through their long-standing commitment, the board members have ensured continuity in the association's work in the past. They have built up pedagogical expertise in the field of institutional childcare, which has benefited the expansion of the childcare offering and the establishment of quality standards.

The Board

Members of the Board

1st chairwoman: Alja Lüdke
1st deputy: Stefanie Findeisen
2nd deputy: Maria Hesse
3rd deputy: Anda Lohan
4th deputy: Malte Sinn
5th deputy: Paulina Helmecke
Representative of the Equal Opportunities Office: Tanja Edelhäußer
Treasurer: Stefanie Findeisen

Parents' Council

Two representatives from each group in the Kinderhaus are elected to the Parents' Council.

The council connects the team and the parents of the group and supports the team mainly on special occasions, e.g. organizing festivals.

In addition, the council develops proposals for optimizing the current operation, discusses needs of the children and parents with the team and the board and sees itself as a contact and representation of the parents.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact: kinderhaus.eltern@uni-konstanz.de.


Knirps & Co originated from a parents' initiative and is an association supported by parents. The commitment of the parents is important; parental cooperation and support is desired in the Kinderhaus.

An important keyword in this context is: "Using competencies"! Parents should help as they want or are able. No one is forced.

For us, this also means: At the council meetings, almost everyone is always present and there are very funny, stimulating and, above all, open discussions. Since everyone's time is limited, we work in a structured way with an agenda and minutes and never meet for more than two hours about every six weeks.

Goals for the future


  • What is still needed in the children's house (toys, offers, excursions, cooperation) and how does the parents' council participate (personnel, financially)?
  • Should new donations be collected (e.g. through a bazaar, bake sale)?
  • Should the Kinderhaus/Parents' Council raise funds for external projects?

Support for pedagogical cooperation
    Recruiting parents for undertakings such as parents at work, music projects, breakfast or gardening with the children.