Student Service Centre (SSZ)

We are responsible for many formalities within the student status. These include the continuation of studies (re-registration), leave of absence, end of your studies (exmatriculation) and the collection of tuition and semester fees. In addition, you will receive certificates of enrolment, BAföG and course of study as well as the student ID card (UniCard) and have your personal data changed here.

In addition, students and prospective students receive basic study information at the SSZ and can have their information and counselling concerns clarified at the same time. We also make appointments with the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB), issue admissions for guest auditors and process registrations for participation in guest studies within the framework of cooperation with the HTWG in Konstanz and the PHTG in Kreuzlingen (Switzerland) and the Lake Constance Arts & Sciences Association (W4).

Two self-service terminals in the front of the SSZ are available for issuing certificates of enrolment and TAN lists. There is also a free of charge photo box for taking a digital passport photo for the UniCard.

Finally, employees of the International Office also advise and inform you at the SSZ, e. g. about partner universities, exchange and scholarship opportunities.