Psychological stress in the workplace

Psychotherapy Outpatient Clinic

The Psychotherapy Outpatient Clinic of the University of Konstanz offers behavioral therapy-oriented treatment of psychological disorders in the form of individual and group settings (e.g., social skills training) to persons over the age of 18.

Billing is done as usual in the health care system (members of statutory health insurance, privately insured and self-payers).

The Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic is part of the Department of Clinical Psychology (Prof. Dr. Daniela Mier) at the University of Konstanz.

Further information and contact:

Educational issues, marriage, family and life counseling

  •  Topics: Educational counseling (free of charge within the framework of social legislation), conflicts in the partnership or family, separation and divorce, professional problems or life crises.
  • Locations in Constance, Radolfzell, Singen and Überlingen
  • Sponsors: Diakonisches Werk of the church district of Constance and the Archdiocese of Freiburg
  • Costs: 1-2 percent of net income per session
  • Target groups: all people seeking advice, regardless of origin, religion or denomination.
  • Further information and contacts:

Counseling for children, adolescents and parents

  • Topics: Educational problems, developmental and behavioral problems, performance disorders, family conflicts, problems in separation and divorce situations, and acute crises of parents, children and adolescents.
  • Location: in Constance
  • Provider: City of Constance
  • Costs: free of charge within the framework of social legislation, donations welcome
  • Further information and contact:

Ways out of addiction

The following offices will support you competently and discreetly to get out of the downward spiral of addiction:

  • Addiction Counseling Constance of the AGJ-Fachverband für Prävention und Rehabilitation in der Erzdiözese Freiburg e.V. (AGJ-Specialized Association for Prevention and Rehabilitation in the Archdiocese of Freiburg).
  • Fachstelle Sucht des Baden-Württembergischen Landesverbands für Prävention und Rehabilitation gGmbH (Addiction Center of the Baden-Württemberg Association for Prevention and Rehabilitation)

Information for people at risk of addiction and addicts as well as for their relatives:

Debt counseling

You don't know how to pay off your loans anymore? Or your income is not enough until the end of the month?

More and more people in Germany have debts or are threatened with over-indebtedness. Debt counseling helps to get an overview of the financial situation and to develop debt relief plans:

  • Debt counseling of the Caritasverband Konstanz (location: Konstanz)
  • Debt counseling of the Diakonisches Werk in the church district of Constance (locations: Constance, Radolfzell and Singen)

Trans* people and non-binaries

Many people who cannot identify with the gender assigned at birth are ostracized by society and experience strong self-doubt up to suicide attempts.

The Trans* SHG Hegau - Self-help group in Hegau supports trans* persons and non-binaries as well as their relatives with monthly meetings where experiences and tips are exchanged so that those affected can strengthen themselves for their path.

Further information and contact:

Self-help groups in the district of Constance

Would you have thought that there are self-help groups on more than 100 topics in the district of Constance? The kommit network self-help bundles all information about this on its pages.

Further information and contact: