Current news



Project Launch: "Off the Road"

Meldung: Today the ERC-funded research project "Off the Road: The Environmental Aesthetics of Early Automobility" celebrates its official launch. Led by Prof. Dr. Timo Müller, a team of researchers will examine how road literature from the early decades of automobility influenced literary modernism and the perception of the environment.

WRECKS von Neil LaBute

Freitag, 20. Januar 2023

19 bis 21 Uhr

Kulturbühne St. Johann, Brückengasse 1b, 78462 Konstanz

18.07.2022 "To purify the dialect of the tribe": Intertextualität im Dialekt. Autorenlesung mit Helmut Haberkamm anlässlich der akademischen Feier zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Silvia Mergenthal

"To purify the dialect of the tribe": Intertextualität im Dialekt. Der fränkische Dialektautor Helmut Haberkamm und seine literarische Anverwandlung angloamerikanischer Songlyrik und Poesie. Autorenlesung mit den Originaltexten und den fränkischen Adaptionen.

18.07.2022, 18.45 Uhr in A 701

Panel Discussion: Our Shared Planet

Prof. Timo Müller is co-editor of Our Shared Planet: The Environment Issue, a special issue of the American Studies Journal (AMSJ). To celebrate the launch of the special issue, the publisher is hosting a panel discussion with Prof. Müller and the other editors on November 30, 2021, 8.00 pm Konstanz time. Click here to register as an attendee.

Workshop with Stefanie Everke Buchanan: "Writing your Final Thesis"

On November 23, 1.30-3 p.m., Stefanie Everke Buchanan from the writing centre will offer a workshop on writing your final thesis (BA, MA, PhD level). Topics of the session will be: finding a research question, structuring your paper, managing your time and using feedback to sharpen your focus. You will be working on your own topics and ideas as well as give and receive feedback on those of others.

To register for this workshop, please email by November…