Students learning together
Students learning together

PhD researchers’ survey 2024 - Survey period extended until 07.08.2024!

This year's PhD researchers’ survey at the University of Konstanz starts on 15 July. All doctoral researchers at the University of Konstanz can take part in the online survey until 7 August. You will receive the link to the survey by e-mail.

The aim of the PhD researcher survey is to identify strengths and weaknesses in the promotion of early career researchers at the University of Konstanz. On this basis, the university management and the departments can initiate measures to improve the conditions for doctoral researchers. The survey in 2024 will also focus on the research framework conditions at the University of Konstanz (including services, laboratories, internal research funding).

The results of the survey will be discussed in the university's bodies and provide a basis for further conversations between the university management and representatives from the departments, doctoral programmes and graduate schools.

You can find more information about the survey on the Surveys and studies website of the Quality Management. Questions or suggestions regarding the PhD researchers’ survey can be directed to the Quality Management office.